I believe the notes are Jan's. Scrappy or not, this one looks great. But being me, I'm taking it one step further. Or maybe it's a step back, I don't know but anywho, my plan is to have fun with it.
So many possibilities ...
So many reasons to make more ...
Three more came to play. They are the reason I added fabric to the scraps. It's kind of contradictory to the plan to add to the scraps but ... that's what I needed ... until I found the other bags. I left the additional fabric in the scrap bag anyway.
I seem to like this layout the best but I have the whole year to decide. I have a mind to make one scrappy as in the above picture for the Quilts for Survivors. Yes, I would love to send them more quilt tops. Not promising the tops will go this year but I'll work on a top for them during the year. Maybe the RSC one will be donated, who knows?
I said I would sew on Tuesday night but I didn't this week. The first Tuesday of the month is the ARTisanat's meeting (where I brought more gifted scrap bags home). I brought the three baby quilts as donations to the Baby's Angel. Yes, I said three as I finished another one last weekend. WhooHoo!!
Rainbow on the Sidewalk (aka HST Baby quilt) is done and gone. I love this one. It was a top in 2023. You can see the two other baby quilts here. Both were made with flannelette, and Rainbow is scrap cotton with a flannelette backing. No, it did not diminish any of the flannelette bins but the year is still young. 😁
I played "thread chicken" and lost. An inch from the edge! Darn!
Also did some little 9-Patch blocks ...
Have a wonderful week, everyone. Only 50 more weeks to go. 😂😂😆🤣🤣🤣
I will visit these talented ladies over the weekend. Hope to catch you there too.
Angela at So Scrappy
Nina Marie at Creations - Quilts, Art, Whatever