Saturday 5 October 2024

Happy ... Not Happy ... Happy!!!

I have survived another week without my co-receptionist. I deserved a reward for that, don't I? Haha. 

Of course, it's fabric. What else could it be? 
Black for Shoreline, Cream on White, because why not, and the others were on sale, so Yay! 

I got 2 meters for $35 which is very cheap because around here, a meter is between $22 and $26. The blue one is more expensive but it's blue. With cats! Cats! You know? Anywho. I can afford it with all the overtime I did lately, lol. 

I love your comments so much that when you said, in my last post, that the right block in the third row could go in the border, I just had to go and check it out. This is the block in question. 

It might not be as light as it came out in the photograph. Hmmmm ... I'm thinking .... 

Playing with Google Drive is getting a wee bit easier, not faster ... yet.  Although I am not happy with all the changes it made, especially with Microsoft Office programs, it brought me an UNEXPECTED bonus. 

The little white box (a.k.a. router) needed somewhere to sit. So, DH made some shelves. Now, look who has shelves in her sewing room. Insert "Happy Dance" here. 

Okay, they aren't the best looking shelves but with a few (lots) of scrap baskets, they should be fine. Anywho, I can always paint them or cover them up to match my chair. 

That's all very nice but did I sew last weekend. Let's see. 

I worked with a crazy brown print. It makes my head spin, haha. The left is made with 1.5" squares; the right one with 2" squares. What a different!! The big one was added to this quilt.

Framed 9 Patch got a new row, on the left side. How about some close-ups? 

Now, I'm happy with it. The lighter border will bring it up to a good size. Talking about the lighter border, I did work on that too. 

I am not happy with top right and bottom right. The 9 isn't showing enough. Should I take them apart or just start one from scratch? 

The usual 9-patch blocks. Only 3 this week,  

but I also did another Shallow Pond block. 
When I say that I can't sew one without the help of the seam ripper, this is what I mean: 

The little unit is wrong. See how the long pieces in it aren't going in the same direction as the others in the finished block? That's my problem. 

Of course, if I turn the unit to make the pieces go in the right direction, the green "line" is going in the wrong direction. When all the blocks are constructed the same way, with the seams all spinning in the same direction, it is so much easier to iron a top. Out came the seam ripper ... again. 

Anywho! I'll stop complaining and enjoy the fact that I can sew and I can buy fabric and I can go on a retreat. WHOOHOO!! Yes, I'm going on a retreat again this fall with the same lovely group at the same wonderful place. We are leaving next Friday. Can't wait. If I finish all the blocks for the Framed 9 patch, it will come along, so will Shoreline. 

Have a wonderful week everyone. 

Joining these talented ladies this week. 
Angela at So Scrappy
Frédérique at Patchwork and Quilts
Cynthia for Oh Scrap
Alycia for Finished or NOT Finished Friday
NinaMarie at Creations - Quilts, Art, Whatever

Saturday 28 September 2024

I Played Volleyball

We lost. I'm alive. Period. 

My beautiful co-receptionist is sick since Wednesday, 18 of Sept. I am so tired. Not only do I have to answer all the phone calls, but also all the people coming in, the emails, the snail mails, every payments, lawyer's assistants' requests, cleaning of every room after each client, etc., but also work half a hour longer because she finishes 30 minutes after me. I'm beat!

So, what did I sew? 

(We change our Internet from cable to fiber optic. Yes, it's wonderful. Nothing works the same. Not even the TV channels are the same. (Sigh!) I can't use Microsoft anymore because they want me to pay to have access to my files. I did pay to have the  Microsoft Office package but that was on the old system, now they think I'm a new client and I need to buy the stupid system again. So greedy!) (I am now working with Google Drive which I never worked with before. So, on this beautiful funny Saturday morning, I am learning something new.) (But I don't want to learn. I'm tired!) (Stop whining!) 

Anywho, Framed 9 Patch came out to play last weekend. 
This is the original top but I find it small. The plan is to add a "border" of lighter blocks all around. The second block on the bottom row (the navy blue) will be remove and will go in the "border". It is so light that it will make the light border look weird. So, out it goes. 

It is replaced by this red one: 

I have also done this one which is too "dark" to go in the border. Maybe I'll find another light one to remove and replace. 

This is one of the lighter blocks I did but not liking the black bears on the right top corner. Too much black in one spot. So, an emergency operation was performed on this one. 

 It looks so much better in the group photo after its full recovery. Look! One of them is brown! 

Still lots more to do for the border. I plan to sew some this weekend. 

Yes, I did some 9 Patch blocks too. Also finished a second grey Stained Glass. I'm not doing any in brown though. 

That's all for now because getting these photos prepped in Google Drive for the post is draining my batteries. Also, I want to enjoy that sunshine while it is still here. 

Have a great weekend, every beautiful one of you! 

Joining these talented ladies this week. 
Angela at So Scrappy


Saturday 14 September 2024

I'm Deaf in One Ear

 and I can't see out of the other one! 

I'm not sure it translates right but this expression comes from the old folks in French Canada, meaning you are unable to follow instructions. (T'es sourd d'un oreille, pis tu ou'ais pas d'l'aut'e.) 

Angela called out black for September and I'm having fun with brown! Maybe I'll switch next week ... then again ... 

August saw the orange scraps diminish to this. 

compared to the beginning of the month (photo below), I'm happy with the progress. The little plastic bags hold tiny pieces for crumb blocks. 

A "peachy" orange Stained Glass block was finished, photographed with the transitioning 9-patch blocks. Transition from orange to brown not black. I might do some black ones. 

And here are the browns I'll be playing with this month. 

The brown basket is the same size as the orange one. The thick plastic bag is very big. Let the fun begin. 

I received some gift bags last week and, amongst other things, there was this big bag of cut-off Batiks in blue, purple and pink. 

You can see that the pieces are not that big. I was wondering about my sanity while going through this bag. "Do I really need more tiny little pieces?" But Batiks is very expensive. "You are NOT the one who paid for it and she gave it away, not caring." "Throw it out. She won't know."

But some were worth saving and then ... 

Some beautiful fabric, 

and again, 
and again. The purple Batik on top is 37 inches long (folded in three here, the others are folded in two). So, after over an hour of going through the bag, the harvest looked like this. 

Yes, that's all and I'm about halfway done. Am I insane? 

In the gifted bags, I also got this. 

Utensils and napkin holder. I thought that was so cute. I don't know who made it and what she used as batting but it is quite stiff. 

I've tried to make one of these without the help of the seam ripper and I failed ... Thrice!  

Only 139 more blocks to go. Eventually, the seam ripper will be left behind ... I hope. 

I have also worked on my RSC block for next year. Yes, I already found something easy and, hopefully, interesting for you to look at. 

Have a Fabulous Week, everyone. 

Joining these talented ladies this week. 
Angela at So Scrappy

Monday 2 September 2024

It's a Flimsy!

Double Halo is finally a flimsy and I couldn't wait to share it with you. 

I rush to sew the skinny sashing and haste makes waste. The sashing did not align properly. 

And not just once but all of them. Argh! 

An emergency call was sent to the Super Seam Ripper and eventually, it got done properly before the long weekend was over.
Oh, My! The aqua block and the blue block are basically all the same colour. And the purple one is nothing but purple. Let's try in a sunny spot. 

Yes, that's better. I love it so much. (The quilt is bumpy because the grass is long ... and wet.) 

The centre star doesn't have the same fabric as the stars, only the same colour. (The square in a square uses a piece of the M&M millennium print, yes. Haha.) Click on the picture to zoom in. 

The first block I did was the red star and I didn't calculate how big a scrap I needed to make this block. I just wing it as I usually do. Well, yes, I ran out of red. Most of the readers said they couldn't see the difference so, here it is. 

That prompted me to use other fabrics to make the middle star. 

I'll have to check the orange bottom corner. It looks funny in all the pictures. Oh! but I love this quilt. 

How about one more picture? 


Enjoy your week. 

Joining these talented ladies this week. 
Angela at So Scrappy

Saturday 31 August 2024

Is Orange Done Yet? Nope!

I can continue to play with orange for another month and not get bored.

Unfortunately, it's the last week of the month. It's also the busiest week of the month at work which means my energy level was pretty flat by the time I got home. I didn't sew much but I still have a few things to show you.


These L&E blocks (Shallow Pond) get together every now and then. Look closely; Orange is there. 

So far, they all have met my Super Seam Ripper. Maybe this weekend, I'll be able to sew a perfect one on the first try. Fingers crossed. :^D 

Double Halo blocks are getting together now. I was hoping to have it done by now but it didn't go as planned. You will have to wait another week to see the flimsy top. Sorry. 

What colour did I pick for the 9th block? Is it a burgundy red? A light grey? Oh! All black?  A very light violet? Another orange but more peachy?! 

I am working with peach fabrics on a Stained Glass block. Two blocks of each colour was really not enough. The fun continues. 

I found this little floral piece (which was bigger before I started cutting it) and I wanted to use it all up. It might appear pinkish on your monitor but the flowers are orange, trust me. I got just a wee bit left and it's in the box of Friend's Favourite Quilt. Oh, yes! I am still working on that one too. (Well, actually, I am only adding fabric cut to size in the box but it counts, right?) 

The green fabric has some dashes of the same colour as the olive green fabric but it doesn't show well after sewing it. Very disappointed but it will be used anyway. And some peach fabric because they are part of my orange scraps. 

Something exciting happened to me this week. I sold one of my quilts. It's my first sale! One of the lawyers bought my I Spy quilt. Oh! I'm so happy. I thought I would be sad to see it go but nope! 

I'm sure the baby will have fun with this one while learning the English and French words of all the items in the prints. You can see more of this quilt here:

That's it for now. Hope you all have a lovely weekend, and a wonderful looonng weekend to my fellow Canadians and my friends in the States too. 

Joining these talented ladies this week. 
Angela at So Scrappy