Saturday 31 October 2020

Full Moon on October 31 on a Ghastly Year!

This moon has a lot of influence on me. I was so excited all week. Or maybe it was this HORRible weather on Monday and Wednesday. The weatherman didn't say the F word but he used the S word. 

I couldn't stop myself, I had to make one. hahaha! It looks happy to be here. 

It pleases me.  

As far as sewing went, well you don't want to see what I did. I fixed some holes in pants' pockets and holes in jeans and ... BOOring! 

Made one more yellow crumb brick. Not sure about the umbrella fabric. (??) 

Some units for a yellow scrap basket. 
My scraps were DREADfully the same prints over and over, so I decided to put the units aside and wait till I get a variety of yellow scraps to finish the CASKET ... uh the basket. 

The HSTs block's APPARITION happened the week before but was kept in the SHADOWS.  
14 more to go. 

My Button and Spool quilt has been fixed. See the last post to read the aggravating SPELL this quilt put me under. I'm so in love with it that I want one for myself now. There's always RSC 2021, right? 

That's all, folks! Have a great Halloween! Stay home and eat candies! Mu-hahaha! 


Joining my ghoul friends 
Angela at So Scrappy
Frédérique at Patchwork and Quilts

Friday 23 October 2020

Bricks, Border, Buttons

I didn't sew much last Saturday as it was such a wonderful Fall day that I just enjoyed it. I didn't even bring the sewing machine outside with me. 
This week, I played catch up on sewing. Let's look. 

Buttons, buttons... I made a few more 

... and then Yellow Bricks  
This one looks like a cake with candles, lol. It isn't trimmed. 

The "Plan" for those crumb bricks (as I call them) is to sew a border on two sides and "weave" them. 
I decided to use this nice grey fabric for the border and I'll make as many bricks as this grey will let me. By using a grey fabric, I can make some black bricks. Happy! 

Buttons, buttons playing together. 

all good things were coming together ... until I spotted the pink button next to the pink spool! What??? No, no, no. 

It's enough that I have the purple one next to the purple spool, I am NOT keeping the pinks together!!! How come I haven't caught that while I was laying them out?? They've been on the floor for 3 days!! I switched the pink for the green at the other end of the same row and I thought "Good enough." 

Floating on the breeze. It is a whopping 23 degrees today!! That's Celsius of course. Tomorrow, the high will be 7Celsius!!! What the baloney?? 

The too-long grass makes the top bumpy. 
Now, I see that all the pink buttons are on the same side. The two aqua buttons are one on top of the other. Arghhh! I can't believe I did this!! 

As I was picking the pictures for this post, I came across the picture of my layout and sure enough, the pinks were NOT next to each other and neither were the purples! Haha! 

I managed to twist the spools blocks around once they were sewn with the buttons to make a four-patch. That's what happens when I rush. Ha! Guess I have some unsewing to do this weekend. 

I also have to relax, this weekend, and mentally prep myself because, comes Monday, I am starting a NEW JOB! Yep! I am leaving my darling toddlers to go help adults. I am moving over to the Ontario at Work department. It will be a different kind of fun. Can't wait. I probably won't have time to sew as much but that's life. 

Have a great weekend. 

Joining some friends 
Frédérique at Patchwork and Quilts
Angela at So Scrappy 


Friday 16 October 2020

Buttons on the Wall

Some more buttons showed up on the wall this week. 
Rainbow colours on black 

and then two more. Not sure about the grey one but we'll see how well it plays with the others. They are really fun to make. 

Another one I had fun to make was this tulip 

in yellow for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge. 

Last but not least ... the HSTs!

Some spots are easy to fill, others not so much. I need a good variety of units to make one block ... so let's make some more. It's not like I'm running out of scraps anyway. 

Let's have fun sewing.  


Joining my friends

Frédérique at Patchwork and Quilts
Angela at So Scrappy 

Monday 12 October 2020

Design Wall Monday

That's what happens when I have Monday off.  I sew! 

More HSTs 

I straightened up my little yellow button. It didn't look good in its last photo shoot.

Then the HSTs had a gathering and turn up on the wall as a big block. 

Now, I am debating. 12 inches or 16 inches??

Have a great week everyone. 


Joining Beth at Love Laugh Quilt 
Judy for Design Wall Monday 

Friday 9 October 2020

Some Red, Some Yellow, Some Done

It is Friday and I have the day off. So, I sew to catch up a little. 

I had a red project that needed to be finished. And it is!
Side A
Don't you love that red tractor. I do! 

The practice FMQ didn't go so well on this one. I have lots on my mind lately and it shows. 
Side B (Wonder how many of you won't know what side A / side B stands for?)

Anywho! Red scrap basket. Checked. 

Look how full it already is! 
Fits right in with the other overflowing baskets. I have to sew faster. :^)

Then, I grabbed the yellow scraps and had a little sewing session.

Button blocks ... done. Spool block ... done. 

So love this bee fabric. 
Had enough to add some to the spool block too. Yay! 

And some more HSTs ... of course. 

In Canada, it is our Thanksgiving long weekend. I plan to sew. Surprised?



Joining my friends
Angela at So Scrappy
Frédérique at Patchwork and Quilts 
Cynthia at Quilting is More Fun than Housework 
Tish at Tish's Adventures in Wonderland for UFO's Busting

Friday 2 October 2020

Red or What's the Deal with the HSTs?

I am still playing with September's colour red.
Don't like the construction of the bobbin. Can you tell my head is hurting tonight. 

I have so much red scraps that I need to make a red scrap basket. Getting there! These pieces are my leader-ender while I play with the HSTs. 

Want to know what I intend to do with the gazillion HSTs? See this post and this post. 

Sorry dear Gayle, but I am not doing a Totally Demented quilt. :^P

I sew this block with the webbing technique as I really don't want to have one piece turned. I webbed half the block in rows, then I sew the rows of the half block together. Seeing only half of the block is easier for me to detect if one piece is in the wrong way.  

2 inches HSTs; block is 12.5 inches

This has been on my to-do list since I first saw it about 10 years ago. I have no idea what this block is called but that's what I am doing. I used the 2 inches HSTs for this block. Over the weekend, I will assemble another one with the 2.5 inches HSTs. 

2.5 inches

Then I'll sit and decide what the heck am I doing!! Since every single unit in this block is a HST, it takes 64 HSTs per block. Even if I do only a 4 X 4 layout, (which would only be 48" square with the 2") that's 1,024 HST!!! 

1,024 HSTs!! 

Gosh! I feel like I am punishing myself with a life time sentence of producing HSTs. Lol. It's gonna be a fun Winter. 

See ya! 


Angela at So Scrappy
Frédérique at Patchwork and Quilts