Saturday 25 September 2021

Lots of Sewing For a Small Progress

I did it again. I sewed, sewed, and sewed with barely something to show. I feel like the second hand running ever so fast round and round on the clock's face only to get the hour hand to move just one step. My week's of sewing has produced very little progress. 

The newest blocks: 
Lime Green block 

Yellow Gold block 

Rust block and last week Aqua block

Sorry for the clothespins but it's a windy, sunny, exquisite Fall day today, blowing my blocks all over the place. Just. Love. Days like these! 

I got to the bottom of one (1) bag of tiny little bits of fabric so far. Not much of a dent as the bag was small but one less bag is still progress though. 

Not the final layout. 

Unfortunately, I am at the end of the white fabric roll. It was from my mother's stash, measuring 5" X ?? 25 feet? I really don't know but it was really long and I'm at the end of it. It's a sturdy cotton, almost linen quality. I hope I can find another white fabric suitable from her stash. 

I have a hot pink block almost finished so maybe it will be a 4X4 layout instead of a 4X5 if I don't find a replacement. The cornerstones are from the same fabric too. The sashing makes me so happy. I just love it. 

Cynthia, at Quilting is More Fun than Housework, let a squirrel into my house and it crushed my sewing time. 

Wait for it. 

Aren't they cute? They are facial tissue covers. They will be gifted to my coworkers on Monday when I get back to work. (One week's vacation is never long enough.) They are so easy and quick to whip up. The pattern is from Two Brown Birds and you can find the tutorial here. Remember, they are addictive! 

I added a little loop of tape to attach them to a diaper bag or a key chain. Many of the girls at work told me they love purple, pink, and blue. So I try to stay within those colours. I have 7 or 8 more cut and ready by the sewing machine. 

My bag will be full soon. Whatever the girls don't take will be sold (if and when we can have craft shows again) or given as gifts to the ladies at the Artisans' Club. Looking forward to seeing them again. 

I got a little bag of the tiniest triangles yet. They barely go beyond the one-inch mark. Substract the amount of fabric needed for seams and you are left with nothing. I have to tell the girls my fingers need pieces a little bigger than that. Haha. They were great at starting the bonfire last night though. 



Angela at So Scrappy
Frédérique at Patchwork and Quilts
Cynthia at Quilting is More Fun than Housework
Pat at Life in a Scrapatch

Saturday 18 September 2021

It's a Funny Thing

Memory has the ability to forget. Isn't that funny? 

I forgot how many blocks I had made but I was so convinced there were 12 blocks that I didn't even count them. Ha. 
I looked all over my blog and the last picture I have of Hole in the Barn Door is a 9-blocks picture. 

More blocks were added since that picture but no group picture was taken. At this point, it makes a throw of 47 X 60 inches. I'll push on to get a 4 X 5 layout (60" X 75") for a nice twin-size quilt. I like that better. So 9 more blocks to go. Ironic! 

Do you know that Hole in the Barn Door has a white square in the middle? It didn't take me long to switch to a Shoo Fly/Churn Dash type of block, didn't it? So what now? 

Do I make one quilt with HitBD and one with SF blocks? Or just keep both in one quilt? I sure have enough scraps to make two like this. (Carole brought more scrap bags this week. Yay!) On the other hand, time is short. 

An aqua block has joined the group. 8 more to go. 

I need another red block, or two, a green one, a pale pink (maybe), a yellow-lime, a rusty one, and some blue. :^D 

The last tulip got done too. This quilt is ready to be assembled. Yay! 

My, my! I am so productive lately. Must be Fall. :^D 

Have a great one! 


Sarah at Confessions of a Fabric Addict
Angela at So Scrappy
Frédérique at Patchwork and Quilts
Cynthia at Quilting is More Fun than Housework
Beth at Love Laugh Quilt
Pat at Life in a Scrapatch

Saturday 11 September 2021

Orange Fall

WARNING - RANTING: (you may skip to the post below if you wish) 
Blogger deleted my email address AGAIN from the settings so I did not receive your comments from the last post in my inbox. I'm really fed up with this childish war they have with other Internet providers. Because we are using another internet platform, Blogger (Google) cut us off. Like F* you! This was a free country last time I looked and I can shop and use whatever provider I wish. Can you imagine a grocery store telling you: "you can't shop here anymore because I saw you go into the other grocery store last week." Like F* you! Seriously! I sent Blogger a "nice" letter with a little piece of my mind on all this stupid, ugly war of theirs. I mean, what's the point in having options if I can't use them? No other company makes it SO HARD for their clients to use their products. I asked them to contact me directly at my GMAIL account which is by GOOGLE too!!  (Deep breath in.)
P.S. Anyone who wishes to write to Blogger can do so by clicking the question mark on the top right of the screen. 
P.P.S. I did read your comments and I will reply shortly. Thank you for your patience. :^)

Sorry about that. Now, on to more pleasant things. 😊

Fall is coming our way and I have orange to play with. Two of my favourite things. 😁

Three orange tulips were made ... 

... right after the purple ones actually, as I couldn't wait any longer to see the quilt come together and to play with orange. I also thought that it was the only missing colour in my quilt. When I set the blocks together I realized the quilt would be too small hence the addition of the aqua blocks. 

This is a rough layout of what I want. I love this kind of layout and only see it in vintage quilts. Why don't we use it anymore? Or very rarely. Too bad because I like it when it is used with the right type of blocks. 

So now I am missing a block. Since I only have two pinks, one more will be assembled. Then every colour will have the same number of blocks. Hopefully, I can find what I need in my (limited) pink stash. 🤞 

Or maybe I could make a multi-coloured one. Oh! Wouldn't that be nice? 

My personal UFO Rainbow Scrap Challenge is Hole in the Barn Door. All the blocks are done back in 2017. (I know it the last post I said 2016 but it's wrong.) 

I want to add a sashing "à la Bonnie". (Bonnie K. Hunter) What do you think? 

It's gonna take a while to finish this but hey, it's not a race. The cornerstones will be white. If this doesn't diminish my scraps, nothing will. Haha. 

Just because he's the best-looking cat in all the county, here's another picture of Raven. 

Have a great week everyone. 


Sarah at Confessions of a Fabric Addict
Angela at So Scrappy
Frédérique at Patchwork and Quilts
Cynthia at Quilting is More Fun than Housework
Beth at Love Laugh Quilt
Pat at Life in a Scrapatch

Saturday 4 September 2021

Back to Sewing

It's a long weekend and I intend to sew! I hope the weather will let me sew outside again this year. 

I am late to the party because I don't have much to show again and thought of skipping making a post.  😊

Going back to the office meant less sewing time. Having to make black masks for DS2 meant not much "interesting" sewing done. Haha! Son changed job and at the new place, he can only wear black masks. I had bought (a while back ... ok, long ago) 2 yards of black cotton to make a quilt. It is now relegated to mask making. 🙄

I did cut into the mask panel and did a few of those for me. 

Some HSTs ... of course

... and a second aqua tulip block. That is all I did in the last two weeks.  

How about some real flowers, like those around my house. 

My very first Dahlia. Every time I planted this tuber plant, the chipmunk would eat it. Now that the big green-eye monster lives with us, the chipmunk left the dahlia alone. Horray for Raven! 

Don't know what this is but it grows wild and quite tall behind the shed. It's actually cute. 

My Rudbeckia (aka Black Eye Susan) around the clothesline post. They enjoyed all the rain we had this year. 

September's colour is ORANGE! No kidding I'll have more sewing to show you next Saturday. 😁 Can't wait to dig in. Stay tuned! 

My Personal UFO Rainbow Challenge is Hole in the Barn Door from 2016. The blocks were made with tiny little bits of whatever fabric and the colour of the month. Don't know if I need more blocks or not. I'll look at it this weekend. 

Whatever the outcome, there's always something pleasant in each day. Enjoy it!


Sarah at Confessions of a Fabric Addict
Angela at So Scrappy
Frédérique at Patchwork and Quilts
Cynthia at Quilting is More Fun than Housework
Beth for Monday Making at Love Laugh Quilt
Pat at Life in a Scrapatch