The closer I get to finishing a flimsy, the more the quilt pushes back the finishing line. It never misses. Remember Jacob quilt's borders ordeal? (
See this post.) (
Also this post.)
The Quilt of the Century has its own little mischief in store for me.
It first started with, Oh! What the Flinging Burgers is this??

A stain! Yes! In the middle of my border. Why didn't I catch that when I was pinning the border to the quilt? Because this is MY life. It's not all pink and rosy Barbie's life. That's why!
Well, now, that won't do. So I unpinned the border. You can see the wet spot where I tried to wash it off.
Cut the stained fabric out and pinned it back to the quilt. Make sure it is at a 90 degree angle with the side border. Looks good.
Sat down and sewed the pieces together by hand. Turned the quilt around to admire my great job and
"The fabric IS backward, ladies and gentlemen. Yeesss, it has been sewn down with the wrong side up. What a DREADful deception this must be for Chantal." says the narrator of my life as I just sit there, eyes wide open, while the desire of stabbing this quilt to death overwhelmed me. (Can't wait to quilt this one now!)
Unpinned the border from the quilt once more, armed with my faithful seam ripper we slashed this seam wide open, flipped the darn fabric over, kept a quarter inch seam allowance,
and pinned it back to the quilt! Now! Made sure the fabric is on the right side. Measured everything twice. Made sure it is at a 90 degree angle. Made sure the border does not wave in any directions. Now. Can. I. Sew. The. Darn. Thing. On. Yes. Or. No?
Nah! Too tired! I'm going to bed. Tomorrow's another day.
Working with the new Blogger.
Not that I think I am any better than anyone else, (cause I'm not) but because this is what I do and I thought it might help others have a more pleasant experience with the new Blogger. It might help with those photos that don't always behave well ... and it might not help.
When I start a new post, I type a few lines and then I remove the hidden formatting. To do this, you have to click on the three dots at the end of the tool bar. (which is under the title of your post)
A little tool box will appear. Now, highlight all your text written so far in your post, (you can hold control (CTRL) with the A together to achieve this) then click on the crossed T in the tool box (clear formatting).
You will notice your text change a little bit. If you had paragraphs, the distance between them will be different. It is do to the cancelling of the multi-spacing. I do this because I like to decide how many spaces I want between my paragraphs or photos. It is MY post. (I hope this is not too hard understand.)
Anywho! You do as you wish. It is yours to have fun with.
As always, enjoy! ;^)