Monday 22 December 2014

Design Wall Monday

Monday again? So soon? Oh my, I haven't accomplished much last week but I'll show you anyway.

(Bad picture, I know. It's already so dark at this time of day. Sorry!)
I've managed to put together some more 9 patch! Yeah!  In the green tub, there is now a total of
140 blocks
Only 600 to go lol! 

My little Cascadia doll quilt, hosted by Lori from Humble Quilts is still waiting for its turn on the quilting frame. I would like to quilt this one by hand.  Click on the link to see the original inspiration and more versions of this beautiful little quilt. Thanks again Lori for hosting this charming little Quilt A Long project. :D

And the antique block quilt ... well ... it looks exactly the same as last week. :(

BUT, on the bright side, I did finish attaching the green diamonds onto the Quilt of the Century. Yeah! Row 25 is done.

That's it. Two more days of work and then some time off.  :^)  I plan on repainting the kitchen this year. \:^o  I hope the boys will help with the cleaning part; all FOUR of them.  >:^ ,     LOL!

Have yourself some merry time, stay safe and warm, and may peace come to you wrapped in fabric!!

Linking up with Lori for a Cascadia Doll Quilt show and tell and with Judy at Patchwork Times for Design Wall Monday.

Until next time ... sssSSSMiLE!!


Sunday 21 December 2014

Slow Sunday Stitching

Sunday is here! Yeah!

Last Sunday, I wanted to finish the last block on row 5 on Take 21 and I did. I didn't start on row 6 as planned as I didn't have the energy to mark the quilt this week.

On top of all the extra shopping, appointment with the hairdresser and so on, I've got my back into knots by driving in the freezing rain and the extra stress this week brought. So I was not good for much. I did do a lot of pinning, Unfortunately, it was not on fabric but on Pinterest!! UGH! I am so hooked on that thing! Got to stop that! I managed to save a little bit of time to do something productive and knitted another dishcloth and made little hexies!!

Yes, the Quilt of the Century got some attention this past week. All the green diamonds were assembled.

I have four more to attached to the quilt to finish this row and that's what I plan to do today.

The next row will be light red and more than half of the hexies were done last week.

I will assemble these into diamonds during lunch break at work. Yes, I am working during the Holidays. The children won't be around but there is a lot of year-end papers to shuffle.
But that is tomorrow. Today I will sew! My back won't allow me to sit for long period of time but a few stitches here and there during the day should produce some progress.

I've said I wouldn't show you my first try at knitting but I can share a picture of the second and almost third dishcloth. The sides are not straight but I am okay with that and rather proud of my finished product.

I am linking to Kathy's blog for Slow Sunday Stitching. Hope you can join us too.

Have a great sewing Sunday!


Monday 15 December 2014

Design Wall Monday

Last Saturday I have set aside some time for my sewing machine and I, 

and we

Look what we did. 

We have assembled 9 more blocks for this quilt !

Love this one with the writing.  And the roses too.
Maybe this one doesn't "fit" with the other but I love it just the same.

Oh yes, that reminds me I forgot to share something with you!  A month ago (already!) I won a gift certificate from Nicky at Mrs Sew and Sow for Scrapstastic Tuesday.  Well, it didn't took me very long to spend it lol. This is what I've got! Yeah!

Okay back to the Design Wall.  Next, I honestly have no idea what happened here. Ask the scissors!
It got repaired!  It got to the wall!

We have also assembled some more 9 patch. None of these are for the first 9 patch quilt. Some will be used in the second 9 patch quilt and the rest in the third :)

I sew long strips of fabric together to make the 9 patch. Sometimes I have a unit leftover that I keep in this bowl and make some misfits 9 patch out of them.  

For example, these 
made one like this 
Fun right? I love it when the brain has no idea what the hands are up to lol!

I collect the 9 patch in this bin, and I pinned them in groups of 5 as I am making a Double 9 Patch blocks. So far, I have enough to make 17 blocks. I will probably start assembling them into D 9 P next week .... if I can wait that long :D

All together, I have 111 little 9 patch blocks made.  This week, I want to continue on these as I have cut a lot of 1.5 strips.  I also want to quilt Take 21. Progress is slow but progress it is. I also need to make more hexagons as I ran out of sewing to do during lunch break at work. That's it for now. 

Joining Judy at Patchwork Times for Design Wall Monday. Check it out!

Until next time .... Enjoy!! 

Sunday 14 December 2014

Slow Down Sunday

Yeah! I've made it! That was quite a busy week with lots of things going on at home and at work. Yesterday I had errands to do and the cleaning and worked on my design wall.  Today the plan is to do some baking, take some pictures of the quilt progress and to take  Kathy's advice to slow down for some slow stitching. So I will work on Take 21.

Since I took these pictures, I was able to work on it on some mornings before work this past week,so I am further along.

My goal is to finish block 8 of the 5th row today. That is the last block of the row. Then I will move the quilt down and start on row 6 hopefully tomorrow.

Since the quilt has 10 rows, half of it will be done. Yeah again! It is not realistic to think he can have this quilt this year so I gave up on that idea awhile back and I feel so much better now. Less stress! He's okay with waiting a little longer to get it. I mean it's not like he has none on his bed at the moment, ha! ha! he has three! He is definitively not cold!

Enjoy your Sunday and hope you find yourself with a needle in hand. See ya at Kathy's place for Slow Sunday Stitching.


Monday 8 December 2014

Monday Design Wall

My wall still looks the same as last week as the week before. :( 

Last night I did do a few 9 patch blocks because I wanted to sew on the machine and I did some more tonight. Not many but a few, some only need to be assembled together and also I cut some more fabric for tomorrow :)

My very first large quilt was a nine patch done for my second son. ( don't remember why it was not for the first son!) Here he is with his black quilt. He loved black, still does! The nine patch are made in red, orange, yellow, green and blue. It shows well on the picture but the scanner didn't do a very good job with it. (This young boy with the sun in his face is now 18 years old and 6 feet tall! Oh my time flies!)
Now, what will I do will all my little nine patch ?
I am in love with this picture.

Found this on Google search and I want a quilt like this.  I will put more 9 patch in the sashing ... of course! While I was pulling out the fabric for this one I remembered a magazine I've bought a long time ago (2006) and haven't made one quilt from it yet.  So I decided it was about time I use it.

LOVE the quilt on the cover! So, of course I want to do this one too.  All the blocks in this one are different. Don't know if I'll be able to achieve that.

There is also this one I love ... 

and this one ... 
and this one ... 
and ... well the entire magazine is about nine patch quilts! So much inspiration and fun.  At this rate, I think I'll be making nine patch blocks for the next few years lol .  For the moment,  I'm sticking with the two first ones and we'll see for the others. 

There is a third nine patch quilt I want to make but I didn't ask the blogger if I can borrow her picture so I will keep this one quiet for the moment.

So now you know why I have the urge to make a ton of little 9 patch blocks! Hope you too find some inspiration somewhere that makes you run to your stash and sew like crazy!  

Enjoy !

Joining the Patchwork Times's friends. 


P.S. Yesterday, I have also spoiled myself and baked myself a Shoo Fly Pie. oh mmmmm ! (Here's to you Fiona! ) :D

Sunday 7 December 2014

Stitching on Sunday

I am not very productive lately ... in the sewing room that is. I do a lot of things but none of the quilty kind.  I have done 0 little 9 patch ;(  I have done 0 antique block :(  I have done the quilting on 8 blocks on Take 21 quilt! :D   I try to get up early in the morning and sneak in a 15 minutes sewing before heading to work :)  Maybe 15 minutes isn't much but it was productive for me this week!

"Take 21" blocks not yet assembled 
Today, I have to bake some more (everything I bake keeps disappearing around here!) cookies, a banana bread and something for the office people. I will like to finish block 5 of the fifth row today and start block 6 this evening while watching something on the tube.

I wish you all more sewing time in your busy days and some time too to check out what others are working on via Kathy's Slow Stitching Sunday.  I'll be there!


Monday 1 December 2014

Monday Design Wall

What's on my design wall tonight? Or maybe I should say what's NOT on my design wall tonight?

Cascadia Doll Quilt Mystery as hosted by Lori from Humble Quilt that's what!

As I was working on this little darling, I found myself wishing it was a little bit longer. Since there was a need to add some fabric at the end of the section with diagonal little squares, I thought why not frame that little section. So out came the fabric and the party began.  :)   (I had a dozen fabric but only showing you the top 5)


 first red

 (Don't know why the border fabric, on the right of the picture, looks pinkish here. It is brown.)


In the end, the second red won by 1/2 inch! 

As I was sewing, it didn't occur to me that by adding these frames, I was not only making a longer but also a much squarer quilt. It's okay! I love it! I needed it longer because I want to give it to Victoria as a cover for her cabinet.  I am sure it will perfect once I hand quilt it. You see, Victoria is an antique Singer sewing machine from 1923.  I am sure she has sewn such fabric before so it would be a nice little quilt for her, don't you think? 
Thank you so much Lori for this little mystery quilt. I had fun and I love how it ends.  The antique quilt from which came this inspiration is so adorable. See it here. I just might make another one with fabric from the 1930's ! 

The rest of my design wall hasn't change much. I made 4 little 9 patch and one antique block. Yes, I know, a few stitches is better than no stitches!  I'll try to do better next week  ;^) 

Until then why not check out Patchwork Times to see more inspirations from other people's walls or floors. I know I will :D

Enjoy some stitching!