My OMG (One Monthly Goal) for September was to make a baby quilt using a meter of dove grey fabric I had in my stash for a long time. Some of you might remember this photo.
I was first inspired by the quilt in this picture. (sorry it is somewhat small) Should I make it grey and lime or grey and yellow? I spent many days trying out different fabrics and then, my plan changed. Ever happened to you?

On this last day of September, I am sorry to say that my progress looks like this;
Not much, but it is a beginning. The blocks are 5.5 inches unfinished. Now that I look at the picture, I don't like the first orange square on the left. It is showing more white than I expected.
I will join Heidi at Red Letter Quilts when the October goal setting link party opens as this project will become my focus point for the next month.
With my first cup of coffee in hand, I like to read blogs. This morning was no exception. LeeAnna at Not Afraid of Color posted an interesting subject and lots of quilters answered her. I am adding the link here, so you can go and check it out. She is cleaning up her sewing room and came across some orphan blocks. She asks if we lose track of our UFOs, if we make blocks as a try-out and if so what do we do with them after, and things like that. In the comments, I found a few things I will start to do. Maybe you'll find some good suggestions too or you have one or two to offer her. Anywho, I have enjoyed reading that one.
Until next ... oh almost forgot!!
It was sunny (well, enough) so I took pictures outside of the RSC2016 top.
Not sure yet. Let me sleep on it.
Some viewers ask me for the pattern and I obliged. If others would like the pattern for this block, just let me know and please make sure I have an email address to reach you. :^D
Also joining Angie at A Quilting Reader's Garden for WIPs be gone, because it is good to see the progress made on our WIPs.
Until next time ...