Saturday 27 June 2020

Where I'm At

Well, I am tired ... and happy. That's where I'm at. 

The sorting, cutting, folding and storing of the flannel fabrics is 
DONE! Have to admit that at the end, it was really a chore. 

Bigger pieces in the big basket, two plastic bags full of little scraps for more crumb blocks and a gazillion of cut pieces all ready for the sewing. 

In case you are wondering what the beginning looked like. What a mess! 

Then I put all that away and replaced it with 
big bins full of none quilting fabric. I'll have to go through these and share my lot a little. There's no point in keeping all of this. 

I moved the bins in front of my design wall in order to clean the middle of the sewing room. I asked the boys to bring down my rocking chair. Now I can do some hand sewing here if I want to. The boys also have a place to sit when they want to cool off . It gets so hot in the playing room during the summer. 

(No picture yet)

I did find a wee bit of time to sew. 

Five more crumb stars for the flannel quilt. 

This morning, I did some more flying geese units as I was getting low on variety. When all the components are done, getting the blocks together is a breeze. 

Looking at all the cut pieces I am wondering how am I to make blocks by colours when they are sorted like this? I still have a lot of work in front of me I think. 

Then I saw on Cathy's blog "Sane, Crazy, Crumby Quilting" her gorgeous finished quilt and I went "Darn! That's what I wanted to do!! I should have cut some pieces for these blocks too!!" 
Oh well, there's still plenty of flannel left in this house for 40 quilts. 

Don't really know about that but there was enough pink to make another Pink block. 

Have a great one. If you go out, please don't leave kindness at home. 

Angela at So Scrappy
Frédérique at Patchwork and Quilts

Sunday 21 June 2020

Giving Lots of Attention ...

... to my rotary cutter. 

Not a lot of sewing but Hippy Ya Hey! I'm having fun playing with fabric. Mostly flannel. In every colours I have. 

What am I going to do with all these freshly harvested pieces? 

(This is a nice image of whom I call my Super Seam Ripper btw.)

For one, I need to finish this crumb block quilt. 

I did a few more crumb blocks, 

all the while, I had a nagging feeling that the crumb part was done. Sure enough! I found the crumb blocks, chilling on the shelf, waving at me while I search every drawers!  Well, I now have too many blocks done. Care to guest what will be part of the backing? 

That's what I love about making quilts. It's like homemade cookies. It never goes to waste. 

I needed a break from all this cutting and looked at blogs. I visited Marly's Quilts page. She has a new project and Oh! My! Gallbladder is full! This is an easy and quick quilt to make with my flannel. 

Armed with a new blade in my rotary cutter, I took off, head first, into the jungle of flannel and  ...

... it's fun!!! This corona-coaster is really doing a number on me because cutting is my least favourite thing about quilt making. 
You wouldn't say that seeing this, now would you? The plastic bag on the right is full of little pieces for more crumb blocks for a one-day-I-will-make kind of project. 

Of course, it didn't just disappeared. It is piling up somewhere else but it's in neat piles. I'm so happy! 

Lots of bigger pieces, big enough to be folded. Some long pieces that are wide enough to become a scrappy binding so I am leaving them like that. 

Then, there's this. I am only catching up with the bigger pieces as I forgot to cut those sizes at the beginning. If I were to put the 2.5 X 4.5 pieces in one pile it would be over 4.5" high.  Maybe I'm cutting for two quilts? Haha! 

I took another break from cutting and got these done. 

Split 9-Patch for placemats. Only half of one placemat is made. Not even assembled. At that speed, we might have new placemats for Christmas. 

This is what Marly made me do, lol. (kidding) Don't expect too many like this one as all these pieces were given to me. I don't buy pink flannel for good reasons. The layout will have to be different from what Scrap Snap shows. Something will come to me eventually. Right now, I'm enjoying the fact that the flannel is being used. 

Have a great one. 


Frédérique at Patchwork and Quilts 

Friday 12 June 2020

I Didn't Mean To

Look who is sporting triple borders! 

It's Stubborn Jacob! 
It was a lot of work to straighten this quilt out but I succeeded because I'm stubborn (as per my mother). (Cathy said that my middle name should be Persistence. I like that! ♥)
Yes, I almost called it Stubborn Jacob and then ... second thoughts, it's too pretty for such an awful name so how about Jacob's Summer? Blue sky, green grass, blue lake. I like Jacob's Summer. 

I believe I do have enough of the dark fabric left to do the binding, whenever JS is ready to be bind. Yay! Thanks for all the encouragements. :^D 

June is Pink month so ... 

I got my bag (scrap basket not made yet) of pink and purple out. It's bursting! Okay, so some chop, chop later and ...

... I still had to separate them as there was still too much scraps for one bag. Oh well! 

I did manage to get two buttons and a spool out of the bag. 

For the crumb blocks, I had to pay a little visit to my stash as variety was absent. 

What's that? Are you asking about the split 9-patch block beside the crumb blocks? Yes, well, let me tell you something. 

Sometimes things just happen. It creeps up on you so slowly that you are barely aware of what is going on until it's too late. That's what happened! 

It went like this.  

Remember the big bags of scraps I received recently? Well, of course I had fun and lots of Ahs and Ohs were heard but I like to put away the scraps and I am running out of room. 

Since there were a lot of triangles in the gifted bags and the container of 2.5" squares scraps is full, I decided to do something with those two. Something simple like placemats which I do need by the way. 

Split 9-Patch is very easy to make and could be my leader-ender as I take care of another UFO, right?  Right! (insert chuckles here)

Sew triangles together, trimmed them down, dig some 2.5" squares out, got some 3" squares out to make more 2.5" HSTs.  Everything was going so well. 

Somehow, one container got empty. Whoop Whoop! So was my cup of coffee. Got more coffee, came back down to the basement and ... 

"Any other container with fabric that I could use in the placemats?" 

How about that small one beside the sewing machine? what's in there? 

All kind of pieces from different projects and they can all go back into the scraps bins. 
There were also lots of 2.5" squares (which I need) sewn together in a 4-Patch design. Hmmm! Maybe I can make one placemat with 4-Patch blocks? 
You can see on the right hand side, the previous empty container got a new job; it's now holding scraps sewn together to make crumb blocks. This will be kept close at hand and be a second leader-ender thingy. 

Oh! Did I got to the bottom of this container too? 

Look at the space beside my sewing machine! Am I really cleaning up my sewing room? 

GOSH! I better sit down and wait for this feeling to pass! Lol.

You know what? I can really work on a big UFO now. I got space and plenty of HSTs and squares to make 6, 8, 25 placemats! On the top right side corner of the last photo is a big pile of triangles still waiting to become HSTs!!

It is time for these flannel crumb blocks to become a top. Yay! It's the third and last crumb block quilt I need to make for the boys. 

Now the real sewing fun can begin ... have a great weekend! 


Angela at So Scrappy
Frédérique at Patchwork and Quilts

Friday 5 June 2020


I need 336 inches of fabric for the last border around Jacob's Ladder. Then I need another one 340 something long for the binding.  o_o

I love this fabric and I think it suits JL beautifully. 

But do I have enough? You see, it has been used before and it's not a meter anymore. 

I really hope my math are accurate otherwise ... I have a lot of dark blue strings, haha! 

I got a surprise this morning. A friend dropped two big bags on my porch. 
Guess what's in the bags? 

Of course, scraps!! What else would make me so giddy? Gift bags full of not-so-small scraps. My evening will be fabric therapy with a glass of wine. :^D 

And now for a real Ta-Dah! moment, here is 

Amid Joy all finished. 

It was a little sew-along hosted by Temecula last December. Nope, it was December 2018. Whaaaat! That long ago? Time flies but I ain't anymore, lol. 
I called it Amid Joy because I recall the fun I had making this one ... and how easy life was back then. 
Not the best machine quilting, but it was a good practice run. I've repeated those little leaves in the green border.  

A simple cream on red floral for the backing. It finishes at 30.5 inches. 

Another one off the UFO list. Only 30 more to do.  
Neeexxxt!  (hehe) 

Have a great weekend. 


Joining my friends at 
Angela at So Scrappy 
Frédérique at Patchwork & Quilts