Tuesday 27 April 2021

Tuesday Triangles (Edited)

It all started when I decided to empty this tub. It was full, like overflowing, with triangles of all sizes and colours. 

Little did I know it would take so long to see the bottom of it. 

Some were more "triangle" than others. 

All sizes were present. 

The beginning of the quilt. Block #1

There's still a lot of triangles in the tub. 

some are very big (and they might return in the scrap basket of their colour) or very small and some are the right size;

some are in plastic bags with the size written down. They are the leftovers from Shakespeare in the Park which you can see here.

some are just not the right kind of triangles (the blocks on the left are rejects from this table runner ) and some are sewn together.

 (not sure what I'll do with those red ones. They were surprises in a gifted bag. I have enough triangles to make six more One Block Wonder. Unfortunately, the triangles are not all cut the same size. Sigh!) 

Anywho! That's what's left in the tub. 

So, let's get back to the HST quilt. 
You see one block, you've seen them all, except for the fun of discovering new fabric or similar fabric to yours and so on. 

Yes, I did had to add some more fabric because there was WAY too many blue (Shakespeare in the Park, 365 Challenge Quilt, Jacob's Ladder) and too many green (Field of Poppies.) 

Relentlessly, the quilt grew. I made so many HST that at one point it was an addiction. (One quarter of the quilt)

I played with colours and values, trying not to have a fabric twice in one block and just had fun. (Two quarters of the quilt) 

Then I had a lot of HSTs that were just a tad too small for this quilt. 

So another HST quilt was born. 
HST Quilt #2 block 1 

Then I had a helper. (!?) 

If you know me one bit, you know that I didn't do all those blocks without a blooper. (¬_¬ )

Unfortunately, my computer died last week and I've lost a lot of photos. 😪 No, I mean a LOT of photos! 😭 Just believe me when I say I did a blooper! In my defense, it was in block #9 so I managed to make 8 blocks without a mistake!!! Shouldn't I get an Honorary Mention for that?  🤣

Anywho! With a lot of ironing (all seams are pressed open) (still not finished that stage), I am slowly putting the blocks together and my son got my wheels spinning. He said it would be nicer if it was red, white and black! That would be a stunning quilt. So, am I really gonna make another one? 🤦‍♀️ This one is even not done yet! Oh! Startitis! Once infected, we are never cured. 😂

Here's where I'm at with this project. (This is not the final layout. I just set them down on the deck to take a picture real quick before the wind blew them all away.) 

Borders ??
Made with 1024 HSTs or 2048 triangles. 

Take care, everyone! (●'◡'●)

;^)  and ᓚᘏᗢ 

P.S. Sorry for all the grammatical mistakes. I have a new motherboard and it came empty, empty of everything, dictionary included. Hahaha! 😉

Angela at So Scrappy
Cynthia at Quilting is More Fun than Housework
Frédérique at Patchwork And Quilts. 

Saturday 17 April 2021

Catching My Breath

It was a crazy week but I survived and today, I plan to sew.

I took Tuesday afternoon off from work to go help a vaccine site (30 minutes drive one way) because there was no one available to go. The vaccine bottles got to the site frozen! (Which is normal, as they are always frozen but someone forgot to get them out early.) It took 45 minutes to thaw, so we were backlogged all day. I got back home at 9 pm. Exhausted but happy. That was followed by three days of zoom meetings and formation on the new platform we will be using at the office next month. Since I am in the "Super Users" group, I had to be present. We need to know the back doors of this program so we can answer all questions. 

Now, on to quilty things, please. I need a "fix" of fabric and coffee, haha. 

Last weekend, I continued the quilting on Smile and 

The pinwheels and the black and white sections are all quilted. The borders and the strip with the M&M gang are next. I'll do those with a black thread. 

I used plain white thread to the B/W sections. You can see here that the dark green block (which was MIA in the last post) looks much better than its pattern does with the dark green thread.  
You can see that the border is very wavy and Kathy talked about that just last week. My top was not taut enough when I pinned it. That's what happens when you rush into things like I do. Haha! 

I said I would show you the blue HSTs for my second HST quilt. 
Here they are with my little rascal, Raven. 
Raven: "Mama, you should have stacked the piles straighter for the picture."
Me: "May I remind you that they were all pretty BEFORE you decided to run into them."
Raven: "I would never do such a thing, Mama!" (staying put just long enough for a photo before darting off again.)

For the second HST quilt, I need a gazillion of 4-Patches made with 2" HSTs. And that it. Easy peasy, right? I'll have two wonderful HST quilts in no time. Bwahahahaha! 

The good thing about Zoom meetings and formation is that no one knows what your hands are doing. 
So, I did this. 
I finished sewing all the leaves for Cecile & Corinne's Challenge "Curves".  It has to be finished (completely finished) for next month. I really need to work on this one. (The background still looks blue but it is white.)

That's all folks. 
Have a pleasant weekend. 



Saturday 10 April 2021

April RSC Challenge

I haven't talked about my personal RSC Challenge for April because it took me a while to locate it. Haha! It's hiding since 2014! Time to do something about it. But what?

It is a BOM (Block of the Month) that Judy Laquidara at Patchwork Times did (I think it was her first BOM). I was so excited about it because it was my first BOM too. Then, something happened and Judy had to quit before the BOM was finished. So I made enough Spool blocks to assemble the blocks into a 44 X 35.5" baby quilt. 

Not the best colours for a baby quilt but it was supposed to be a much larger quilt. Anywho!! This is the quilt I have to work on in April. So, do I add borders? What colour? Or do I just call it done and quilt it? 
It has been folded for a long time. 

Meanwhile, we had a four-day weekend and some sewing time was well spent. Look at my Smile quilt! 

It stalled at this point back in February. 
And now ... 

Yellow blocks quilted! 

Blue blocks quilted! 

Sorry, Aqua but you got quilted with blue thread too and I have to say you look pretty good.  

Green blocks quilted! 
The dark green thread looks better on the dark green block which seems to be MIA. I'll redo this block whenever I get a lighter green thread. (Yeah! Right! 🙄)

Purple block ... 

got fixed! Funny how I just skipped around the black section of the last part of quilting. I'm funny that way! 😁

Rainbow block quilted! I used white thread for this one. 

And that's it!! All the coloured blocks are quilted. Isn't that wonderful? I am so happy for the progress done on this one. It feels so good to have my quilting mojo back. 
The black and white sections will sport a loose meander design. 

I also did a pillow for my lovely little black panther-cat. 
It was cat-approved right away. 
Yes, there is a cat in there, sleeping with his little snowman. 

He was purring so loud. He loves the "house" my sons did for him and now, it's a 5 Stars Penthouse! haha! 

I did some masks for my sister's boyfriend.  
Got some blues in there. Her masks are coming up shortly. I played thread chicken and I won. (see the bobbin to the right of the masks? It was close.) 

Did all the large HST for HST quilt #2. Yes, I did the dark blue too because I was on a roll. All the large HSTs for this quilt are done. I'll make the 4-Patch HST unit as leader-enders. Pictures in the next post, I promise. 

Phew! That's a lot of sewing. Wish I could have another long weekend because it was fun! 

Take care! 


Joining friends at 

Friday 2 April 2021

From Green to Blue

There was still a few days left of March after the last Saturday, so I continued to sew some green.
Second green tulip and ...
... tiny little 3.5 Shoo-fly blocks were done.

I need one more green Tulip block and can't decide which fabric to choose. What would you pick, high contrast or celery? 

Then I switched my attention to blue fabrics. I pulled these out for the next Tulip blocks

and while I'm at it, might as well get a darker one too. 

Well, surprise! With the glorious sun this morning, my fabrics don't look so dark but they are ... darker than the others anyway. 

During March, I did 25 and 1/2 hours of volunteer work at different immunizing locations. It was fun to finally see some "real" people (haha) and to feel needed and helping out. Yes, I was tired. Yes, it was long hours at a time (sometimes after my day job). Yes, I will do some more in April. The Eastern Ontario Health Unit is so well organized that I love my time with them. Each volunteer has a job to do. Sometimes I worked as one of the greeters, other times, I served as a "watcher", making sure people felt fine after their shot and staying the mandatory 15 minutes. Every chair gets disinfected after each client. The elders (75 yo and up) are so grateful for the help the volunteers bring. They expect long line-ups and filling out papers they don't understand, and then, we (volunteers) show up and help them with it all. There are chairs available (six feet apart) at every step of the way and even a few wheelchairs.  One lady said to me as she sat down for her 15 min time-out "I got in line at 4:00 p.m. and was immunized at 4:04 p.m. That's not what I expected." (I think I will remember this phrase for the rest of my life. None of the volunteers or nurses knew we were being timed.) 

Take care. Stay safe. We are NOT out of the woods yet. 


Seeing my friends at :
Life in a Scrapatch