Friday 29 December 2017

Last but not least

It is the last weekend of 2017 and I intend to make the most of it.

Over the last week, I did some 9 Patch blocks. Oh! Look! They are of the same colors as the 9 Patch blocks for the On Ringo Lake Mystery Quilt by Bonnie K. Hunter. What a coincidence!!

While at was making these blocks, (25 units made) I just had to make some traditional 9 Patch too. (I have a few projects that need some.)
Even the French General joined the rank of the 9 Patch.  :^D

These were my leader / ender to my 365 Challenge block but something happened over night (blame the eggnog) because I suddenly found myself surrounded by geese. Yes, geese!!

Forty-five geese to be exact. (Not sure about the one on top at the right over there, it looks pretty heavy.) (It's probably stuffed.)

So, since all the fabric was already out, I did some of the diamonds. (11 units made) and did eventually located the 365 Challenge block (hugging the eggnog) and was able to finish it.

You may look at it but please don't touch. It is in time out. You see it was on such bad behavior, very naughty, it wanted to have its own way, and grrr! Then the seam ripper broke out a sweat trying to fix it, threads were flying everywhere and, stubborn as it was, it got me using some big words. Grrrr!!! I then had to reach for more eggnog to calm down. /8-}

Fiiiiinallllly, all 109 pieces (in a 6.5 inches block) are aligned correctly. I am so relieved to see that the next block is an easier one with less pieces.

Not all geese are the same. 

Bonus triangles

So, for the weekend, since we are still getting the Siberian cold treatment (at one point we had -48 Celsius with the wind factor) I plan to catch up with this Ringo at his lake and sew up a storm. (I hope he has eggnog.) How about you? What's the plan for the last weekend?


Sarah at Confessions of Fabric Addict
Angela at Soscrappy
Cynthia at Quilting is More Fun Than Housework

Wednesday 27 December 2017

12 Ways to Reduce My Scraps

Okay, quick show of hands: who has scraps?

Everyone, wow.

Who would like to reduce their pile of scraps by using them up?

Wow! Everyone!

Well, me too. So I am joining Sarah in her Scrap Attack 2018.

Like Sarah, every month I will pull out a goal from the jar and work on it during that month. If it gets done before the month's end, I'll draw another goal from the smaller jar (it has smaller goals). If the main goal doesn't get all accomplished during the month, no big deal! At least it got some progress done on it. And that will make me happy. And then, and then, I get to show my progress on the linky party. Yeeeaaahhh!! 👍👍

So, here are my 12 goals for the year.

1- Take apart the plaid shirts in one drawer ( I have two drawers full of plaid shirts that I can't use because they are still shirts.)

2- Take apart the plaid shirts in second drawer (you knew this was coming, right?)

3- Cut up the scraps in the "Big Pieces" drawer so they are usable.

4- Finish RSC 2016 (with the M&M fabric)

5- Finish the "cord basket" (wherever this one is hiding)

6- Empty tub of fabric in son's bedroom (isn't that shameful? I don't have room anymore in my sewing room, I had to put a huge Rubbermaid bin in my son's bedroom. Bad mother, lol.)

7- Store flannel scraps properly. (I mean look at this mess. Shameful! Scraps deserve more respect than that!)

8- Make a scrap basket à la Fiona. (See this post)

9- Make a second basket à la Fiona. (I'm sure I can find some scraps in a different color to make a second one.)

10- Organize the flimsies and tops. (First, they have to be hunted down. Then I want to store them all at one place so when I feel like quilting one, I'll know where to go to get it. I also want to put my Excel Spreadsheet up to date.) Phew!

11- Make something with the strings. (Yes, pllleeeaaase, make something with them!!)

12- Make something out of the triangles. (Oh! That's a nice challenge. I like it!)

So there you have it. My year of scrap busting is all organised. Awwwhhh! That feels good! How about you? Care to join? It's not too late.  What do you have to lose but scraps?

Thank you Sarah for organizing this challenge and the linky parties.

Let the fun begin.


Sunday 24 December 2017

"Twas the night before Christmas ...

When all through the house, not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse. ... Well, except for Chantal who is always up, and is silently sewing. :^D

Aaahhhh! It is soooo relaxing to just slowly stitch when all is done. How can one not sit and stitch for a while when the stress level is high?
marked a few blocks in anticipation of some sewing time
I have a few more batches of cookies to bake. They will adorned (for a short time, I'm sure) my in-laws' dinner table later tonight.  The baking will start when the boys finally wake up and they will bring it to their grandparents' place. My in-laws celebrate Christmas and we don't. We have our gift exchange on New Year's Day. The boys always knew the long and short story about the why and how. Anywho!

I had a relapse a while back and I've been off work. I am scheduled to get back to work on December 27th. And that is my biggest stress right now. I'm trying not to think about it while the needle goes up and down on the quilt. Instead, I think of all of you, my readers, and pray you have a safe and joyful holiday season. So get the eggnog out and enjoy some time with family and friends.


Stitching on the Dark Side. :^D 
Joining Kathy at Kathy's Quilts for some Slow Sunday Stitching. Come see the beautiful stitches made by some very talented quilters. Kathy also have a wonderful giveaway today.

P.S. We had a snow storm last night. It makes everything so bright this morning. Beautiful!
Unfortunately the new landlord didn't cut the weeds last Fall so we have to look at this all winter long.

It looked much better last year with the other landlord.
During a snow storm and at a different angle than above
Oh well! I can always close the kitchen's curtains. :^D

Thursday 21 December 2017

Little Progress ... little project

I have done little quilting progress lately.

Like a 3.5 inches block for the 365 Challenge,

and a 6.5 inches block. Not much of a scrap buster but it's still mean that two more days are done on the big 365 Challenge quilt.  Yay! :^D

July 4th's block is called Fourth of July with 17 pieces, (left in the picture) and Star and Pinwheels on July 5th is at 32 pieces.

Next block is a 6.5 block and is asking for 109 pieces.  Like I said very little progress. Lol.

My son's girlfriend also love to do little progress.

Boston Cream donuts anyone?

She works with Fimo Clay and makes little charms for bracelets. She did these for her mother over the weekend.

She cut the smallest sliver of white clay to write Tim Horton on the coffee mug. Does she has talent or what?

The biggest piece is barely 3/4 of an inch.

We had fun working with minis.

I want to take this opportunity to wish everyone out there, a safe and joyful holiday season, whether you celebrate Christmas or simply the family gathering. Remember, there'll be plenty of time after the festivities for quilting.


Joinin Sarah at Confessions of a Fabric Addict

Friday 15 December 2017

Surprise X two

Do you like surprises? I do! I do!

Spurred by Sarah's Wednesday post, (go read it, it's a good one) I started to change things around in the sewing room. I have been neglecting a lot of things lately so there was a lot to be done (still not all done but getting there). I am very encouraged by Sarah's new linky party too. Oh! It'll be fun.

Anywho! Do you remember the missing block in my 365 quilt? I thought I was going crazy for losing a block and not being able to finish this inner border.

Well, with me tidying up the sewing room, look what I found. Clipped together was this little bundle of pieces. Now, which block are those pieces for?

I measured them all and looked at every single block on the 365 challenge list to see if I could find a match.

And I did. These pieces are for the WTC Union block, posted on June 19th. Thinking I had finally found the missing block, I got the flimsy 365 out and searched for the said block. Yep, it's already in there. It's not the missing block. :^(
The mystery continues. But at least, now I know I am NOT going crazy. YAY!! :^D 😁

Then, I got another surprise! Such a nice one too.

Look! I got a squishy envelop. Even better it is recycled envelop. I so love that.
The Joyful Quilter  and I decided to swap a little mug rug back in November. I will have to make another post to show you what I made for her because, well, it's a long story. Anywho! I have received the mug rug she has made for me. YAY!

Isn't it gorgeous? I so love it. Oh wait! Maybe the little arrow in the middle should be pointing upward.

Okay, that's better. I am so in love with it. The little + signs are made with tiny little pieces, like 1/2 inch finished tiny. WHOA!!  It is soooo awesome! I love the colors, I love the design, I just love it. Joyful used all the colors of the rainbow because it is where we have met, under the rainbow, at Angela's Rainbow Scrap Challenge (every Saturday).

But wait, that's not all. I was in for another SURPRISE! I turned the mug rug around and what did I see?

Another mug rug! Whoohoo! That's awesome!!

It is a nice star of some kind made with repro fabric. Mmmm so gorgeous!

But wait, that's not all! I also got this.

A piece of York chocolate, yum-yum, and two soda-pop can tabs. (?) I had to ask Joyful what was that for and she said you sew them to the back of the mug rug and they hold the rug on the nails, for my Fabulously Famous Quilt Wall.  Duh! I didn't know that. This is such a great idea. Joyful is a very talented lady and very smart too. I wouldn't have thought of this in a million years. Another happy surprise.

But wait. On which side am I suppose to sew these tabs? I love both sides. Oh no, what do I do?

I decided to do what I usually do; hang it with old dulled pins. Ha!

Here it is with the others Fabulously Famous Quilts. I will flip it in about a month time so I can enjoy the other side for a bit.

Thank you so much Joyful. Seriously I ♥ it a LOT. It looks like it's saying I have + + + friends around the world. And you, Joyful, are one of them. ♥

The little bird house was given to me by Rhonda (at Ravelly1) from Texas, back in August 2014. And that's when the Fabulously Famous Wall began. The cardinal has its twin in France at Cecile's house.

Of course, Azure has a little niche too. She comes from Mangofeet's farm (New York State). I added some grass with tiny little flowers. The quilting is wavy with some swirls so she can hear the wind as she is running around in her field of flowers. She loves to run. I framed her with a bias tape of pink gingham because, you know, she's a country piglet. I love her.

Abundance, a quilt-along hosted by Lori at Humble Quilts in Oregon. I so wanted to join in for Palmateer Point but alas, it wasn't meant to be. I have kept the instructions and, one day, I will have my own Palmateer Point on the wall. :^D

The big log cabin heart was made with Cecile's help. She and Béa hosted a sew-along. Well, you sew whatever you wanted as long as it was made of log cabin blocks and it had at least 16 blocks. (You can see more of it here.) It was fun. These two French girls are doing it again in January 2018. It will be the same rules but with basket blocks. Any basket design will do. Traditional or modern, it's up to you. Want to join? Just follow the link and put your name on the list. It's that easy. I'm in. :^D

I still have plenty of space on my wall because there are so many more quilters I have to meet still. :^D

That's all for now. See you soon.


Joining :
Sarah at Confession of a Fabric Addict
Angela at So Scrappy
Cynthia at Quilting is more Fun than Housework

Friday 1 December 2017

Rescued from the dust

Look who I found under a pile of dust bunnies!

It's my 365 Challenge, the ultimate sampler.
The basket with all the fabric I used so far also came out of its hiding place.

In this drawer, the smaller pieces of fabric are waiting their turn to shine in a block.

Yep, sometimes, I use this old home-made tall dresser as a cutting table. The height of it helps my posture. But I digress.

While searching in my blog the last post mentioning the 365 Challenge quilt, I noticed that some blocks were never properly presented to you. Let's start with them, shall we.

June 29 - Contrary Wife - 41 pieces

June 30 - Beggar's Block - 57 pieces

The total of pieces for June's blocks (the biggest month of the year)  - 1455
Bringing the grand total to 4997 pieces. And only half of the quilt is done!

Now for the newest blocks.

Maple Leaf - 15 pieces and
Clown's Choice - 24 pieces for July first and second. These are only 3.5 inches

July 3 - Temple Court - 45 pieces

July 4 - July Fourth - 17 pieces

Oops! Not done yet. :^D

A little while back, I won a bag of scraps from Julie at Julie K Quilts. Yeah me! I received it this week and hold me down somebody ... WOW!!!

 It was no small package! Look at the shipping price on this box.  Yep, it's a big box.

 And it was filled to the brim with scraps! Heaven!

So full of gorgeous scraps. AHHHHhhhhhh! It's so exciting!

Some lovely flannel, (I found more at the bottom of the box), and 5, (yes, 5) lovely fat quarters. Ah! Pinch me!  Notice the lighthouse piece please, you will see it again soon.
Thank you soooooo much Julie. You know I will use every single piece there is in this box. You have made my week! ♥ ♥ ♥

That's all for now.
But I'll be back. ;^)

Joining Sarah at Confession of a Fabric Addict.
Joining Cynthia at Quilting is More Fun than Housework.