Saturday 30 April 2022

Leaving April

That's it. Just like that, month #4 is gone too. With it goes the pink fabric, back into bins until next year.

April was a very "special" month for many reasons. DH lost an aunt who has been fighting for the last 3 years. Raven got into a major fight and came back looking like Rocky Balboa. A bite behind his ear got badly infected and needed some professional care. No worries, not showing that. 
They had to shave him to better clean the wounds. We now call him Frankenstein. The good part is that I finally have a vet who will neuter him. So no more fights I hope. 

One of the pregnant girls at the office had to leave unexpectedly for bed rest, leaving us stranded sooner than planned. The new girl finally came in this past week and the intense training started. She should be okay in two or three months. A new job application for me with a written test and an interview were done and passed. (Still waiting on the phone call to know if I got the job or not.) Then DH took a turn for the worst. His Dr. told him he has high blood pressure and it needs to be monitored twice a week. We got a monitor asap. Hopefully, the month of May will be calmer. Please? 

How about some Pink? In my last post, I forgot to show you the Star Bloom's pink blocks. 

I tried to do something for the Table Scrap Challenge hosted by The Joyful Quilter ...
... but fell short. 

In a mindless sewing session (instead of working on what I'm supposed to be working on) I assembled some more Jericho's Wall Blocks in red. Only one got made in January so more was needed. I had a hard time picking some red fabrics that were light without looking pink. Then it hit me! A UFO named Shoreline is the culprit. It hugs all my best fire truck engine reds. It was child play to pair these with the ones left in the stash as the latter holds the light ones. Do you keep some fabrics with a project and then forget they are stashed elsewhere? 

Number 4 is waiting by the sewing machine for more pieces. It's in the orangy-red section of the rainbow. 

While I was cutting bits of white for background in numerous sizes, I did a white Chaser block using a leftover log cabin block I found. And a pink one. And a light pink one. 

I don't carry such light pink fabric. Guess where these come from. Thank you, friends. 💗

I probably won't sew much this weekend as the sun is finally here and I just want to enjoy it. So, I hope you have some time to sew and enjoy the sunshine too. 

Raven is enjoying it too as he hasn't been outside for a while. The front is all healed and at the back, the base of his ear is closing nicely. Phew! It was a pricey visit to the vet but it was worth it as he is doing so much better. 

Take care everyone.

Angela at So Scrappy 
Frédérique at Patchwork and Quilts 
Cynthia for Oh Scrap!

Saturday 16 April 2022

Pretty in Pink

I got some sewing done thanks to the long weekend.

Bubble Gum 

Pink Soda 

Smoked Pink Salmon 

Did you see it? 

The darker pink was a gifted scrap that was just a wee bit too short. I had to make do as I really wanted to use this print with the lighter pink. 

They match so well even though the lighter one is from my stash. 

Some 9-Patch blocks. I should have pinned them better before snapping a picture. Sorry. 

These 4 blocks that I don't know the name of but look like a Buckeye Beauty variant. 

I don't know where this one comes from. 🤨 ... 🙄 ... Okay, fine! I did it. 😏 And it was fun! 😄

What's left on the to-do list? I have to check if the Chaser quilt needs more pink crumb blocks. If I want to participate in Joyful's Table Scrap Challenge, I better start something soon. 

Your comments (which are always welcome) aren't coming to my email inbox still. Sigh! It's annoying me to no ends. 

On a more positive note, I have an interview scheduled for Monday, April 25 for the new job. Fingers crossed. I'm so nervous I already have butterflies in my stomach. 😧
(I'll be fine, I'll be fine, I know I can do this and I'll do just fine! Say it again.) 😟

Enjoy everyone! 

Angela at So Scrappy
Frédérique at Patchwork and Quilts 
Cynthia at Oh Scrap! 

Saturday 9 April 2022

Pink and Rainbow UFO Challenge Review

Well, for a girl who hasn't sewed once this week, I still have a little bit to show.

I tackled a mountain of neutral/white scraps and 
tamed it down to manageable sizes (1.5", 2", and 2.5") that I need for the different RSC2022 blocks I'm doing this year. I'm happy about that. The tub on the left is filled with pieces fit for crumb blocks. 

Oh yes, there's a WHOLE lot more to do but at least, there's one big Ziplock bag done! 

Last weekend, I managed to do the pink Scrap Jar Star.

The Rainbow UFO Challenge for March ended up with less quilting than I had anticipated. The challenge was to quilt Field of Poppies. I knew I wouldn't finish the entire quilt as it is quite big. 
The black portion is all done, though. Yay! 

You might be able to see the quilting better in the next picture. I did a black center with pistils and seeds. It's a little primitive looking and I love it. 

I thought I would have time to do some of the red too. 

As you can see in the picture, it didn't work so well. Free motion quilting has to be practiced more than what I do.  So, it was abandoned while I find the will to unpick all those stitches. Ugh! 

The UFO for April is Westering Women but I am switching it for the table runner I never finished for my MIL. Yikes! I thought it was finished and given too. I was shocked when I found it hidden under a pile of fabric. I need to finish it quickly as I would like to give it to her before she leaves for the camping in mid-May. 
It is ready to be pinned. Hopefully, the stitching on this one will be easier than on Field of Poppies. 

Have a wonderful week everyone. 


Joining these great ladies;
Angela at So Scrappy 
Frédérique at Patchwork and Quilts 
Cynthia at Oh Scrap! 

Saturday 2 April 2022

It's Beginning to Look A Lot Like ...

Blogger did it again. I'm not getting your comments in my inbox. I will reply to the comments you left me last week but it will take a little longer as I have to find your email address. Please be patient with me. Thanks. (Yes, I did write to Blogger!)

On to more fun things; fabric! I cracked. I said I wouldn't buy more fabric (with everything my friends bring me, what else do I need, right?) but I needed some background ones and a wide blue one for the backing of 365 Sampler Challenge. 

I found this new-to-me store in British Columbia, Canada. It's as far as Canada will allow and yet it is cheaper than another store in Toronto which is a 7-8 hours drive away from here. It's called DinkyDoo and they have all the greatest designers (Henry Glass, Riley, Stella, Ruby Star, Moda, etc.) so you know the fabric is good quality cotton. They have free shipping this weekend. (Just saying.)

I also "splurge" at Walmart on some whites. I bought this white one (at the bottom of the picture) and the quality is so good (and way above what Walmart usually sells here in Ottawa) that I went back and got two more, and then some. 😁 So lots of 💲pending in the last week of March. 

In the last week of March, I also finished the yellow placemat. It's beginning to look a lot like a rainbow! 

a fourth Star Bloom with those of last week, 

another (the fifth one) Jericho Wall

Scrap Jar Star is the reason for the purchase of the white fabric. I have a LOT of white scraps but the star points ask for bigger pieces and since I want it very scrappy ... oh! who am I trying to convince, you or me? 

Anywho! 9-Patch group photo. 

I did some pink ones too because ... you know ... APRIL!! 

Is that it? Hmm, looks like it. For now anyway. 😉

Take care everyone. 

I'll be with 
Frédérique at Patchwork and Quilts 
Cynthia for Oh Scrap! 
I am grateful to these ladies for being there week after week.