... my first I Spy quilt got finished. My only finish of the year.

Anywho ...
... sensory blankets were also made in 2019 by the Artisanat group. We had a lot of fun again. A very beautiful group of ladies that I am very lucky and so happy to be part of.
And of course, in 2019, there was the Blues.
There was a lot of blues. Every other week or so, the blues were there. I posted about the 365 Challenge quilt 32 times in 2019 which is GARGANTUAN when you think I wrote only 38 posts this year. (No wonder you are tired of seeing the blues, sorry!)
So ... care to see some more? ...
It's starts with a Starry Path
Mrs Lloyd's Favourite on December 23 is also my favourite.
It has 37 pieces. RSC2020 contender? Yes! (oh! Look at that! I have one corner turned the wrong way. Oh the sneaky one, lol.)
Dec 24 - Bethlehem Star - 41 pieces
and then the Star of Bethlelem on Dec 25 - 57 pieces
which is also known as Swoon. I so wanted to make a Swoon quilt when they were the trend on the web. Now I do have a little Swoon. Yay!
Good Cheer on December 26 with 53 pieces.
A.K.A. Eggnog Overdose (but just for me. Ha!)
Lightning in the Hill - 57 pieces
December 28 was Jacob's Ladder - 54 pieces
Oh! talking of ladders. Have I told you that during my holidays, we decided to finish painting the house? I started this project in July 2019 and got the entrance done. Now it was time for the hallway, staircase to the basement and the living room to get a new color. Bye bye burnt orange living room. Hello Sand!
So much fun! Hilarious! (not!) Between the paint and the sewing, I had to go to work too.
The evening found me at the sewing machine to finish Dec 29, Range's Pride with 20 pieces.
It's now December 31st and I finished work at noon. So drove home and ran downstairs to finish Dec 30 with One More Block - 48 pieces
Can you believe it! There's only one more block to go!! AWHHHHhhhhh!
The fun I have!!
I spread out the centre and all the 6 inches blocks made to see if the last one needed to be dark blue or light blue.
Well, what do you know!
I don't need to do the last one.
I have enough block to do the last round!
I am giddy with joy!!
I am DONE!!! WhooHoo!!
Then I spotted this one.
:^( :^( :^(
I really don't like it. It is the worst mess of the entire 2019.
So, okay, I'll make the last block and remove this ugliness from my beautiful quilt. :^D
I looked up the last block and ...
Hopes and Wishes
... Ha! hahahahaha! No WAY!
Not even with eggnog will I attempt to do this one!
So, I snooped around ...
... and found November 24 had a bonus block.
Yay! It's an easier one. (anything would be easier really!)
Ta-Dah! December 31 is Turkey Tracks in my quilt!
and I am
Now, the first meeting of the Artisanat Club is January 7, 2020.
Can I have the top all together for the first Show and Tell of the Year???
The suspense is killing me. hahaha!
I wish you all a blessed New Year with good health and loved one near. All the rest is icing on the cake (but we still shouldn't take it for granted).
I know I am complaining sometimes on my blog but know that I truly appreciate each moment I have with my family and friends, with you all and with my sewing machines. (I couldn't help myself; I just had to include them there. lol)
I hope we will all be together again in 2020 for a wonderful year of joy, inspirations, tutorials, sew-a-long, challenges, for scrap busting, for finishes' cheers, for empty bobbins and wait, what? new projects and UFOs alike, for the frustrations, the bloopers, orphan blocks, surgeries' recoveries (ours and the sewing machines), quilt shows and ribbons, for new and repro fabrics, best tool finds, tears and laughter, pat on the back and congratulations. Oh and the seam ripper. ๐ All in all, the best is yet to come. ๐