Long ago, a quilt on Sue Garman's blog caught my eye and I couldn't shake it off. I knew I would make such a quilt one day. That day came in October of 2014. I did the math and started to assemble the blocks. They looked pretty good.
Then I did a whole lot more blocks. This would be a good canditate block for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge. (Are you listening Gayle? lol)
Don't they look like little accordions? I think they do. Tired of always referring it as the "Sue Garman's don't-know-the-block-name quilt" I started to think of it as the music quilt.
The layout was really fun to plan too. It took me a while to decide which one I prefer.
Then came the border and the same question had to be answered; which one works? which one I prefer?
Eventually, it became a top. I so love it.
The quilting was something else since I wanted to machine quilt this
one. Having very little experience with this technique I didn't have a
lot of choices but to do the boring but very effective "Stitch in the
Ditch" done in the center and on the Hourglass Blocks of the outer
As I quilted, I kept thinking about those little accordions and music in general. Nobody in my family had an accordion but my uncle played the violin and my father could tap dance to any kind of music. It was funny.
A few months later, when all that was done, I realize it wasn't quilted
enough. So I got a plate out and started to mark half circles in each
accordion. The quilting of those circles, sewn with the walking foot on, kept me busy for another few
weeks, still reminiscing of days gone by.
We used to have parties at my
parents' home with uncles, aunts and neighbors. We would push the
kitchen table to the side, the violin and the spoons would come out and
we would dance in the kitchen and laugh most of the night ... for no
other reason than to have fun! Good times.
Okay so some of these half circles were not so ... round? Lol. I had to redo some and some I kept just to show my humble beginning.
All the while I was working on other projects too. One of them was
calling for leaves so I decided to practice the leaves on this quilt
since there was a gap between the center and the edges that needed ...
Really? !! You can barely follow a half circle and you
think you can do leaves ? Still, I decided to FMQ the leaves and see what
happen!! What do I have to lose?
I draw the leaves on and started to quilt ... again!
Not too shabby. Well, okay ... not good but good enough lol.
Then the machine had enough of me thinking of parties, I think, because it got sick !!!
This is on the back of the quilt. It was no fun undoing this. As all good things have an end, so this ended too lol.
Tonight I am joining Kathy for
Slow Sunday Stitching as I stitch down the binding
And the label, of course lol.
Kitchen Party - 2015 |
I will show more photos of the entire quilt when all is done and washed.
Thanks for visiting. Until next time ...
Linking with Cynthia for
Oh Scrap!