Saturday 19 October 2024

Awesome Retreat (quilt photo heavy)

We couldn't have better weather on Saturday. Sunday, Monday and Tuesday it rained on and off but we saw the sun every day. It was the best weather to stay inside and sew, sew, sew! 

The Fall decorations were out. She always have such a lovely entrance. 

Let's talk sewing! 

Francine (on the left) was able to finish sewing the blocks and assembling this big beauty made from her scraps. Her sister, Françoise is holding the right corner. 

Hélène, the third sister, took all the leftover fabrics, cut them up in strips and sew them together like a jelly roll quilt. This is the backing for the quilt she made last year with those fabrics. It looked better in person. 

Lucie worked on her Highway 401 Stars quilt. Do to a mistake in the pattern, she has to undo all the little stars or risk losing points. The little star block is bigger than the big star block. Argh!! 

Francine, Françoise and Lucie worked on this Snow Friends kit. This is where Lucie was at the end of the retreat. The big panel is the centre, so lots of little blocks to go. It is so lovely that I asked Lucie to buy me one if she sees it again for sale. I love snowmen. 

Mary had such a wonderful quilt but I can't find the photo of the top. :(  This photo only gives you a very little glimpse of the beauty to come. Sorry, Mary. 

Nicole worked on a baby quilt for her first grandchild. She started the quilting on Tuesday morning. 

Sylvie, our prolific quilter, added the blue border on this one. Then, she quilted and bound it. But that was just her first item on her to-do list. 

This one got quilted and bound too.  

Then, she cut and sew lots of red and white strips. And cut lots of batting strips and sew them together. Curling them up together in a bias tape fashion, she stitched a curvy line in the middle. 

Look at the size of that batting roll!! 

It's getting smaller. 

The end result. The "twine" will become a Christmas tree skirt, (in a rope basket fashion) but that was for another day, another retreat. 

She assembled part of the snowman kit. Hat, mittens, scarf, and many more other blocks to go. 

Sylvie brought some prizes for us. She pull my name out of the hat. I'm so happy. This little pouch is so cute. It was wrapped in a fat quarter. What's not to love? 
Josee was mindful of our health so she gave each one a zero calories candy and a nice soak for our favourite laundry. 

Josee also brought us some puzzle and games. It was fun. You might be able to print this one if you wish. 

That's all very lovely but what did I sew? 

My machine needed a spa day long before the retreat but I was too tired all the time to take it anywhere. So, I sewed slowly. 

The layout of the light border started on Saturday morning. By Sunday, I had decided it was okay, so I sew it up. 

Photographed on Wednesday, right after the retreat. It's a better picture than the one in the sewing room on a rainy afternoon. 

Friends' Favourite came along and much progress was made on this one.  (not the final layout)

Someone suggested that I add a border between the blocks because "it is very busy". Yes, but I like busy, I like scrappy quilts, and besides, this border will make it harder to align all those little white squares! But I gave the idea a try anyway. It's not agreeing with me. 

Back home! This big guy is not leaving my side, spying my every move to make sure I am not packing to leave again. 

Although, it looks sunny on the deck, this morning was anything but warm. Part of the landscape is missing.

It's very humid and cold (+4 Celsius), as I set the blocks and quilts on my deck to take pictures.  

I had brought a big bag of flannelette square that was given to me a long time ago. Each bag, in the big bag, had a different size or a different theme print. I got out all the snow ones and then some, to make this little centre. Back home, I trimmed it with a red flannelette I had in my stash. It will be bordered again with the light blue and white fabric you see here. Easy peasy, little baby top done. (well, almost) 

It was so much fun to work with flannelette, that I continued for a second one. All these blocks were the same size. I cut some up to make a horizontal sashing as the bag was running out of variety and I couldn't make more 4 patches. I like it this way. 

Looking in my flannelette stash, I found this cute heart print that matches the colours of the quilt. So, it will be used in the border. 

Also in my stash was this yardage print; the exact same print as in the quilt. What are the odds? It will serve as backing. Yay! They weren't on my to-do list but slimming down the big flannelette bag was, so I win! 

I also worked on Stained Glass. I added a few triangles. The ironing boards are far from the sewing station so I abandoned this as it was too much walking. It will be much faster to do this one at home. The girls loved that one. 
I also looked at a few (pronounce many) magazines for inspiration. 
Sometimes, life is hard but someone has to do it. ( Wish I was still there. ) 

Enjoy some sewing, my friends. 

Joining these talented ladies this week. 
Angela at So Scrappy
Frédérique at Patchwork and Quilts
Cynthia for Oh Scrap
Alycia for Finished or NOT Finished Friday
NinaMarie at Creations - Quilts, Art, Whatever


LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

Your retreat sounds so fun, Chantal, and looks like lots of good stuff was going on there! I like scrappy busy quilts, too. The framed 9 patch with its light border is gorgeous!

Gwyned Trefethen said...

What a varied and prolific group of quilters there were on your retreat. Clearly everyone was productive and had a good time.

Sue said...

love the light border. And your flannel solutions. Good work.

MissPat said...

I'm glad you had fun at the retreat and hope you relaxed as well. I don;t think Friend's Favorite is too busy. I agree that the sashing doesn't add anything to the design.

The Joyful Quilter said...

SEW many wonderful projects, Chantal!! I'm headed to retreat on Monday. Hoping for some good productivity!

Quilting Babcia said...

I just love your stained glass blocks, that is going to be a gorgeous quilt one day. Sounds like a perfect retreat with great friends!

Lin said...

The first scrappy quilt is gorgeous but your friends have all produced lovely work. Your finished top is lovely with it's light border. I agree about the sashing on Friends Favourite - much prefer it without. The two flannelette tops look great too. Love the tractor! xx

Frédérique - Quilting Patchwork Appliqué said...

Oh, cette retraite était fantastique ! Quel beau show de quilts et de projet variés, vous avez toutes été bien actives ! Les panneaux de Noël sont adorables, je comprends que tu en veuilles un aussi ;) Tes projets en cours sont très réussis, et j'aime bien ta version de Friends' Favourite, et les vitraux sont magnifiques. Bon repos maintenant ! Merci pour le partage ;)

Nancy @ Grace and Peace Quilting said...

Fun retreat! Fun recap! Thanks for sharing all those photos and quilty inspiration. Your stained glass quilt is my favorite!!!

Fiona said...

Wow - so lovely to see all the different projects. so much can get done on retreats...

Susie H said...

Sounds like a great retreat -- loads of inspiration plus fun! It sounds like kitty is very happy to have you hanging around the house again. Lol!

Angie in SoCal said...

What a nice retreat and location!

Sara said...

Looks like it was a wonderful retreat. You and your fellow retreat buddies all have such fun projects going on.