Saturday 5 October 2024

Happy ... Not Happy ... Happy!!!

I have survived another week without my co-receptionist. I deserved a reward for that, don't I? Haha. 

Of course, it's fabric. What else could it be? 
Black for Shoreline, Cream on White, because why not, and the others were on sale, so Yay! 

I got 2 meters for $35 which is very cheap because around here, a meter is between $22 and $26. The blue one is more expensive but it's blue. With cats! Cats! You know? Anywho. I can afford it with all the overtime I did lately, lol. 

I love your comments so much that when you said, in my last post, that the right block in the third row could go in the border, I just had to go and check it out. This is the block in question. 

It might not be as light as it came out in the photograph. Hmmmm ... I'm thinking .... 

Playing with Google Drive is getting a wee bit easier, not faster ... yet.  Although I am not happy with all the changes it made, especially with Microsoft Office programs, it brought me an UNEXPECTED bonus. 

The little white box (a.k.a. router) needed somewhere to sit. So, DH made some shelves. Now, look who has shelves in her sewing room. Insert "Happy Dance" here. 

Okay, they aren't the best looking shelves but with a few (lots) of scrap baskets, they should be fine. Anywho, I can always paint them or cover them up to match my chair. 

That's all very nice but did I sew last weekend. Let's see. 

I worked with a crazy brown print. It makes my head spin, haha. The left is made with 1.5" squares; the right one with 2" squares. What a different!! The big one was added to this quilt.

Framed 9 Patch got a new row, on the left side. How about some close-ups? 

Now, I'm happy with it. The lighter border will bring it up to a good size. Talking about the lighter border, I did work on that too. 

I am not happy with top right and bottom right. The 9 isn't showing enough. Should I take them apart or just start one from scratch? 

The usual 9-patch blocks. Only 3 this week,  

but I also did another Shallow Pond block. 
When I say that I can't sew one without the help of the seam ripper, this is what I mean: 

The little unit is wrong. See how the long pieces in it aren't going in the same direction as the others in the finished block? That's my problem. 

Of course, if I turn the unit to make the pieces go in the right direction, the green "line" is going in the wrong direction. When all the blocks are constructed the same way, with the seams all spinning in the same direction, it is so much easier to iron a top. Out came the seam ripper ... again. 

Anywho! I'll stop complaining and enjoy the fact that I can sew and I can buy fabric and I can go on a retreat. WHOOHOO!! Yes, I'm going on a retreat again this fall with the same lovely group at the same wonderful place. We are leaving next Friday. Can't wait. If I finish all the blocks for the Framed 9 patch, it will come along, so will Shoreline. 

Have a wonderful week everyone. 

Joining these talented ladies this week. 
Angela at So Scrappy
Frédérique at Patchwork and Quilts
Cynthia for Oh Scrap
Alycia for Finished or NOT Finished Friday
NinaMarie at Creations - Quilts, Art, Whatever


Sylvia@Treadlestitches said...

Of course you deserve a fabric reward! Especially cat fabric, it's a necessity not a luxury. I love the scrappiness of your framed nine patch quilt. And shelves in the sewing room--I'm so jealous! Have a great week!

Gwyned Trefethen said...

Your story about fabric therapy buying necessities such as the kitty print reminded me of the frequent statement by one of the Peloton instructors. She asks can you do 10 more, yes or yes?"

Frédérique - Quilting Patchwork Appliqué said...

Oui, tu le mérites bien ! Et de si jolis tissus, comment résister ;)) J'espère quand même que ta collègue reviendra un jour. Je ne doute pas un instant que tu as déjà en tête des idées de jolis paniers pour habiller tes étagères ;)
Bises, et merci pour le partage !

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

I have that same problem with my County Clare (that you call Shallow Pond) blocks - some of the rectangular pieces are going the wrong direction! And what did I do wrong to cause that?? :) Maybe you've figured that out... I do love your framed nine patches - lots of fun color there!