Friday, 31 January 2025

It Just Occurred to Me

Do you know what I don't have? I don't have a pink scrap basket! I know, right? I never had enough pink scraps to make a basket. Well that has changed (drastically) in the past few weeks. I have MORE than enough pink scraps to make a basket. Let's sew this.  

Aren't those Lemurs fun? Yes, it came from the big bag. 

Because I wanted to keep the "Paris Flea Market" selvage of the roses print (on the right), I simply sew it on top of the light pink. Unfortunately, when one sews after a long day at work... 

blooper happens! I sewed the other edge to the roses print. 😒 Easy fix. 

So, this is what I have so far. Not much but it's a start. 

Another thing I started was the Table Scrap Challenge and that one is now finished. Yay! 

Table Scrap Challenge is hosted by The Joyful Quilter and the January theme was "hot beverage" or Pink. Well, a hot beverage, for a Canadian, is a Timmy's! 

I didn't know what I was doing so I just winged it. Sewn some reds together, trying to make it look like a cylinder with shades and highlights. The cup is sparsely "fused" to the background. Then I tried to zigzag the edges. I glued the lid on top and free-hand machine sewed the lines on the lid. Not perfect but so am I. 
Yes, I know, the lid has no hole because I didn't want to spill my coffee on my brand new mug rug. Lol. 

I just sewed the letters on. It will fray but that's fine by me. For a first try, I'm very happy with the result. 
I don't Double-Double which, I have recently learned, is a typical Canadian saying. It means 2 sugar, 2 cream coffee. No other country says "a double-double, please" when ordering coffee. It has also been accepted by the Webster Dictionary as a word. Wow! I didn't know that either. My favourite Tim coffee is a medium with 1 sugar and 2 milk or a half French (Vanilla) half coffee. Yummm! 

The back is full of cups (in case I feel like a Peppermint Tea, or a Sun Kissed Ginger Tea.) and bound with red scraps. Ta-dah! 
Thanks, Joy, for the fun challenge. 

Come see the other takes on this month's challenge, right here: Table Scrap Challenge


P.S. This is the spool on the floor,

and this is the bobbin in the machine.

Which one will be done first? HAAaaaaa! The suspense is killing me!! Lol.

I will visit these talented ladies over the weekend. Hope to catch you there. 
Angela at So Scrappy

Friday, 24 January 2025

Enough Pink?

Pink is not one of my favourite colour so I'm starting to have enough of Pink. 

I sew Pink
Crumb Blocks 

and Pink 
Bonus Points units (the last one is not that dark, it's more salmon)

and Pink 
Friends' Favourite base units. 
(I had to cheat a little with the one on the right. I love this print and it's the first time I see it in pink. It was just not 3.5". The seams are just not a quarter inch. Ha! They all came from the bags.) 

and Pink 
Baby Flannel quilt 

and Pink 
Stained Glass blocks (the ones on the left are salmon, not brown.)

and Pink 
9-Patch blocks. The salmon print is truer in this picture. 

and I got Pink 
WOF and Fat Quarter

samples of the scraps and 

more samples of the scraps I got

from the BIG gifted bag of two weeks ago. I'm ready for something else. So, I sew 

triangles for Stained Glass blocks
(Don't think I've done all these this week. They are a month's worth.)

and blue 

Shallow Pond blocks done during January

and blue
border on baby flannelette quilt with rockets

and Aqua
border on pink baby flannelette quilt 
I'm not exactly in love with the way I sew the border on this one. The corners are bothering me but then again, it's a donation. I won't see it ever again once it's done. They both need batting scraps and a backing, and to the "to be quilted" pile they will go. 

Also in the big scrap bag from 2 weeks ago, there is this Cat Elves fabric. It has glitters! 

I have a mind to use it as the backing for the crooked table runner from my last post. The colours don't match but it would be two for one, full of glitters. 😃

Fiona from BubzRugz told me she loves when I get scraps bags. She said: "it's like we all get to play with them!" (And I thought it was boring you.) Well then, here's one more from the big bag. 

Found some hexies but one is MIA. 😕 (They aren't cut perfectly but still workable.) I hope to find it so I can do something with them. Or a little piece of the print would be good too. No, I'm not done looking through all those bags. (so many) As you can see in the picture, this print is also glittery. I think I jinxed myself when I called my December post "It's Glitter Season". 😄

With all these scraps recently added to the Pink bags (and all the other colours), I'm afraid my comparison photos, at the end of the month, will not show bags with slimmer figures. I'll try to use (cut) some more this week again. Sigh! Stay tuned. 

See you in a week, God willing. 

P.S. Thank you for all of your help about the comments not coming to my email. I appreciate the help and it is now working beautifully but I had to enable the approval thingy. Sorry for that. Enjoy your sewing time. :^D 

P.P.S. My little brother passed away this week. Don't feel bad, I'm okay and he is in a much better place. Poor kiddo, he had it rough. So, all is good. Enjoy your day no matter what it brings. 💖

I will visit these talented ladies over the weekend. Hope to catch you there. 
Angela at So Scrappy

Friday, 17 January 2025

Painting My World Pink

More of the RSC2025 block were made last weekend. I calculated 10 blocks of each 8 colours (all colours plus Aqua) would make a good size quilt. I believe I will call this one April Fool. 

It is a very simple block. One unit repeated 4 times but one with reversed value. 
In the picture below, all 4 units are the same. This is how the quilt from Pinterest is constructed. See last post

Pair one 2.5" square print with a white one then sew a 2.5 X 4.5" print. For the reversed, in the monochrome blocks, just use a white rectangle. 
The monochrome blocks need a scrap of a fair size, so for the smaller pieces, I started sewing:

It only needs two 2.5" squares from the print fabric and one 2.5" square from a white and one from a solid fabric. Trim down to 2" and sew in Flying Geese position. It presently stands at 3.5", so I'll need a bazillion to make anything out of these but it gets some scrap out of the bag. 

At the Artisanat meeting, I received a big bag of scraps. 

I mean a BIG bag of scrap bags. I'm not done looking through it all. The first thing I saw when opening it was: Pink! 

The pink panel (?), cheat sheet (?), pillow (?) was on top (it's folded in two in the picture) with the pink scrap bag. At first, I thought that they were from the same project but no. 

The bag of gorgeous batik had every bit of scraps, even some of the paper foundation parts. Wish I could see that quilt of hers. It must be gorgeous! 

I laughed out loud when I saw the container. No lid, just scraps and my name. She (they?) literally just threw everything in that big bag. I'm so spoiled. 

Last weekend, I showed you this picture of little 9-Patch blocks. Now, here's the story. 

I found, in the depth of my dungeon sewing room, a little plastic bag and a squirrel came out of it. 
There was some black Friendship Star blocks with parts and fabric to make more. A little piece of black scrap was included along with glitter gold fabrics.

All the fabric used in the construction of the Friendship Stars along with the scraps, have metallic gold. So, I rummaged through my scraps to find something that would play nice with these. 

This one, with bits of gold, was hired with fingers crossed that there was enough of it. 

The black fabric was the biggest headache as I couldn't find anything that fit. I don't buy metallic fabric but I did once, and only once, and it was more than perfect. It was meant to be. 

I had fun sewing these little ones. I ran out of the middle red fabric but found another glitter one with stars. Perfect! Just enough of it to make the middle row different. 

This is the layout. I found out that the little Friendship Stars were cheerfully crooked. To the left then to the right, they dance. I wasn't about to take them apart so I just winged it. 

The result is a little (crooked) table topper or runner. Some stars lost a point or two. Well, that's what happen when you're dancing! I don't know how to quilt it. I have no metallic thread, so I'm thinking maybe a yellow thread? Or maybe cream would work better? 

The little bag is now empty but I have one more project on my "to finish" list. It never ends! (But I have one little empty bag!)

Also never ending is my quest for reducing the flannelette bags. I got these fabric ironed and cut. Now to find a layout. Fun! (I don't know why the white batting photographed pink.) 

Something's in the work for my Table Scrap Challenge, hosted by The Joyful Quilter. Are you playing along?  

Am I done? Yep, I think that's all I have for now. More next week. 

Have a great week, everyone. 

P.S. Your comments aren't coming to my email again. Sigh! 

I will visit these talented ladies over the weekend. Hope to catch you there too. 
Angela at So Scrappy

Friday, 10 January 2025

RSC2025 Second Block

You might have seen this one before as it is all over the Internet where I first spot it. The Colorful Fabriholic did one in red. Oh! Wow! Jan saw the same picture I've seen and fell in love with. See here

I believe the notes are Jan's. Scrappy or not, this one looks great. But being me, I'm taking it one step further. Or maybe it's a step back, I don't know but anywho, my plan is to have fun with it. 
I did the Aqua in 2024 as a tester block. Then 3 pinks for January's colour. 

So many possibilities ...
So many reasons to make more ... 

Three more came to play. They are the reason I added fabric to the scraps. It's kind of contradictory to the plan to add to the scraps but ... that's what I needed ... until I found the other bags. I left the additional fabric in the scrap bag anyway. 

I seem to like this layout the best but I have the whole year to decide. I have a mind to make one scrappy as in the above picture for the Quilts for Survivors. Yes, I would love to send them more quilt tops. Not promising the tops will go this year but I'll work on a top for them during the year. Maybe the RSC one will be donated, who knows? 

I said I would sew on Tuesday night but I didn't this week. The first Tuesday of the month is the ARTisanat's meeting (where I brought more gifted scrap bags home). I brought the three baby quilts as donations to the Baby's Angel. Yes, I said three as I finished another one last weekend. WhooHoo!! 

Rainbow on the Sidewalk (aka HST Baby quilt) is done and gone. I love this one. It was a top in 2023. You can see the two other baby quilts here. Both were made with flannelette, and Rainbow is scrap cotton with a flannelette backing. No, it did not diminish any of the flannelette bins but the year is still young. 😁

I really, really love this one. And it received a lot of "Ah" and "Oh" during "show and tell" at the meeting. 

I played "thread chicken" and lost. An inch from the edge! Darn! 

Also did some little 9-Patch blocks ... 

... but that's for another post. 

Have a wonderful week, everyone. Only 50 more weeks to go. 😂😂😆🤣🤣🤣


I will visit these talented ladies over the weekend. Hope to catch you there too. 
Angela at So Scrappy