Friday, 10 January 2025

RSC2025 Second Block

You might have seen this one before as it is all over the Internet where I first spot it. The Colorful Fabriholic did one in red. Oh! Wow! Jan saw the same picture I've seen and fell in love with. See here

I believe the notes are Jan's. Scrappy or not, this one looks great. But being me, I'm taking it one step further. Or maybe it's a step back, I don't know but anywho, my plan is to have fun with it. 
I did the Aqua in 2024 as a tester block. Then 3 pinks for January's colour. 

So many possibilities ...
So many reasons to make more ... 

Three more came to play. They are the reason I added fabric to the scraps. It's kind of contradictory to the plan to add to the scraps but ... that's what I needed ... until I found the other bags. I left the additional fabric in the scrap bag anyway. 

I seem to like this layout the best but I have the whole year to decide. I have a mind to make one scrappy as in the above picture for the Quilts for Survivors. Yes, I would love to send them more quilt tops. Not promising the tops will go this year but I'll work on a top for them during the year. Maybe the RSC one will be donated, who knows? 

I said I would sew on Tuesday night but I didn't this week. The first Tuesday of the month is the ARTisanat's meeting (where I brought more gifted scrap bags home). I brought the three baby quilts as donations to the Baby's Angel. Yes, I said three as I finished another one last weekend. WhooHoo!! 

Rainbow on the Sidewalk (aka HST Baby quilt) is done and gone. I love this one. It was a top in 2023. You can see the two other baby quilts here. Both were made with flannelette, and Rainbow is scrap cotton with a flannelette backing. No, it did not diminish any of the flannelette bins but the year is still young. 😁

I really, really love this one. And it received a lot of "Ah" and "Oh" during "show and tell" at the meeting. 

I played "thread chicken" and lost. An inch from the edge! Darn! 

Also did some little 9-Patch blocks ... 

... but that's for another post. 

Have a wonderful week, everyone. Only 50 more weeks to go. 😂😂😆🤣🤣🤣


I will visit these talented ladies over the weekend. Hope to catch you there too. 
Angela at So Scrappy


Bonnie said...

I really like Rainbow on the Sidewalk. I think the grey make the bright colors pop. Nice job.

Lin said...

Yes, I too love Rainbow on the Sidewalk! Lovely to have three quilts to donate. Make the most of those 50 weeks - they will be gone in a flash!!! xx

Sara said...

Those baby quilts are delightful! And so nice to have them donated already. That pretty new block has some very interesting possibilities for layout.

Sue said...

I love that little Rainbow baby quilt. It's striking & lovely, so I can see why it got that reaction.

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

Your new block idea is really neat! I like the version that makes a square in the middle. And hooray for your finishes, too - Rainbow on the Sidewalk is a beauty!

Fiona said...

Another fabulous idea for quilt blocks from you..... lovely finishes and it's always nice when other 'quilters' appreciate your work...

Jenny said...

I also love the Rainbow on the Sidewalk, so pretty. said...

I love your new block for the RSC. . .gosh, there are a ton of setting possibilities! Rainbow on the sidewalk is so striking. I ooed and awed over it too!

Vicki in MN said...

A lot of goodness in this post you shared with us! Such pretties.

Sharon Kwilter said...

That first quilt looks perfect for scrappy projects. It would be a great pattern for donation quilts. Thanks!

Cathy said...

Oh what sweet baby quilts! And I sure do like that scrappy quilt....hmmmm...2 inch width scraps...maybe...

Nann said...

That's an interesting scrappy block -- I had to look at yours, and then Jan's, and then yours again to figure it out. Lots of other pretty rainbows in your studio, too.

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

Super great finishes - and that new block - oh wow -t hat is going to be so great!!!

Frédérique - Quilting Patchwork Appliqué said...

Quel beau départ avec ces blocs roses ! J'aime bien ta dernière disposition aussi. Bravo pour les 3 bébé quilts ! L'arc-en-ciel est magnifique, bravo !
Merci pour le partage et belle année créative pour les 50 prochaines semaines ;))