Saturday, 15 February 2025

Do You Have SHIBs?

I sure have a lot of SHIBs. It seems like all I see lately are SHIBs. 

Com'on! I'm sure I'm not the only who has some SHIBs! Look around you. Surely, you see a SHIB or two. 

Aren't these blocks beautiful?  One has an appointment with the surgeon later today. They came to me in a bag. 

What do you mean you don't know what a SHIB is? Squirrels Hiding In Bags, of course. 

I got these 3 little pieces of fabric with sheep on it. I lay one facedown so you can see how light the print is. What to do with only 3 little squares? So, I thought ...

Shoo-fly!! because of the ones received in the same bag. I know that they don't match in any way, style or size, 

and I have no intention of putting them together. No. I'm thinking of making a baby quilt with blue shoo-fly. You know, a blue-shoo! And that, my friend, is a SHIB! 😄 (Yes, I just came up with this today. The weather is affecting me, lol.) 

Back to our regular programming. The Pink Scrap Basket Saga. 

I had some fun with free motion quilting this slab of scraps. Heart's Echo ... 

and a single heart ... oops, upside-down. 

a mushroom (don't know why, just felt like it) and a butterfly... 

yes, I know, I should have slowed down before taking the curve to outline the shoe. Like I said, it was all fun ... until the thread broke. And again, and again. The thread suddenly decided it wasn't having it anymore. I unstitched a lot but missed a few, when the thread spitted all over but didn't break. Like this:

It's a little messy on the inside but I'm not about to redo this. I used this cherry print for the lining as it is quite a thin fabric. I'm not comfortable using it in a quilt. 

So, how did I do with the Pink? 
Beginning of January,

when I added some fabric
before finding two more pink bags. 

compared to the end of the month. I just couldn't believe it. With all that I received that month? I looked for more pink, thinking I had left some somewhere. But nope. The Scrap Basket did it. 

Not only does it take a lot of scraps to make a basket but it also stores a lot of scraps. All 3 bags are in and there's still some room. I'm so impressed with this. I'm tickled pink, lol. 

While the machine was set up for quilting, I finished this little project from days of yore. I had started the quilting but abandoned it. (why?) It is now waiting for a binding. It's 8 and 3/4" square. What an odd measurement. Anywho. 

In other news: 
We get snowed in. Boy! Did we ever. We got 25cm (10") on Thursday and they are calling for more (47cm or 18.5") over this long weekend here in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. Okay, you're right, it's Canada. What else should I expect at this time of year but snow? 

Well, let me tell you what I expect. 

I expect to have some in December, 
(It was barely covering the grass.)

... and then, some more in January. 
(really? January?)
But it seems like someone, somewhere, decided to hold it all up and deliver it all at once. Sheesh! What gives, man? 

Anywho! Next weekend, I'll be gone on a quilting retreat. YAAAYYY! I am getting ready by cutting, cutting, and cutting. I bought some new rotary blade (upmost importance), and this one came home. 

I know, I know. I said I wouldn't buy any fabric because, holy hosers! I have so much. For those of you who know me, I don't have to say why it came home with me. For the others; it's orange! AND it was on sale as it's the end of the bolt. More than half a meter (0.6m) for only $8 when a full meter goes for $24. Whoohoo. Oh! you bet I know what to do with this one, lol. 

Well, that's all I have, my friends. I probably won't "see" you next week, so you take care and enjoy your sewing journeys. 


I will visit these talented ladies over the weekend. Hope to catch you there. 
Angela at So Scrappy
Frédérique at Patchwork and Quilts
Cynthia for Oh Scrap
Alycia for Finished or NOT Finished Friday
Nina Marie at Creations - Quilts, Art, Whatever 

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