Wednesday, 21 June 2017

Whatever Wednesday: A new love

I have found a new lover ... ummm ... I mean a new love. Yes, a new love. No, I didn't get a cat but ... it is something I've been wanting for a long time.

I have learned a new craft!! It is a lot of fun!!

It's weaving. Like in weaving on a loom. I love it.

I did four dishcloths as my first project. Yes, I know there's only three in the picture; no, I don't know why. Ha! Maybe you can see the mistakes in there. Maybe they aren't that easy to spot. Anywho! You don't become an expert on your first try, right? Good! Cause neither have I! :^D

Have I mentioned that I joined a group of craft oriented group? There's quilters, knitters, crochet, embroidery, paintings and even some do dried flowers arrangements. A lady does birthday cards with embroidery. (Shown here) Well, in this group there is also some weavers and I wanted to learn so they taught me. Yay!

Care to take a little tour? Okay.  (click image to enlarge)

This is the view as you walk into the loom room. It's in the basement at a church so don't mind the floor. You can see the rear of the three looms.

This is the front of the three looms.  The bench has a compartment on each side so you can put your thread, shuttles, spare bobbins, etc. Pretty cool.

In the other corner, sits the Big Loom. It makes afghans so it is really long.

A lady is making an aqua and taupe afghan. The yarn is textured so it makes it very interesting.

The lady next to me is working on a shawl. This is the back of her machine. There is about three inches of thread all rolled up and ready to go. We should be able to make a lot of shawls with that. I hope I'll be able to make one too because it is so gorgeous. Just look at her work. Awwwwesome.

But first I need the learn the basic. So this is my station for now and I am working on tea towels.

They are done in brown, beige and yellow.  The red ones, matching the dishcloths, were all done. Oh well, that's fine if they don't match. I'm still having fun making them. It is a smaller work place compare to the shawl but it is still a lot of work. I get to use some muscles that have been resting way too long.  :^D  I'll share more pictures once they are done and bound.  When I am done with these, I'll ask if I may make some pink and blue tea towels. You can see that set up in the foreground of the first and second pictures of the looms.

Now, you can understand why I haven't been quilting much lately. More on that later.

I will link with Sarah for Can I Get a Whoop Whoop? on Friday.

Until next time ...


Sunday, 11 June 2017

The new and the old

I was asked if I would be interested in mending an old quilt.  (CLICK ON IMAGES TO ENLARGE)  How can I say no? Of course, I'm interested in this project.

A co-worker has loved his ex-mother-in-law's quilt to the bone. (Yes, he kept the quilt after the divorce. Nice, right?)

Oh yes, to the bone! 

This Wedding Ring quilt must be a summer quilt because the lightest batting I have seen so far was used.

Both ends are very yellowed. It will have a long hot bath with Dawn once I am done. Some fixing is needed at both ends.

It is machine pieced and hand quilted. Done some 30 years ago, in brown and salmon colored calico fabrics, it has faded somewhat. It makes it hard for me to find some matching fabrics. A muslin was used for the background and for the backing.  

The little bit on the bottom right is the one I sewn in. It looks so bright but that is the best I can do. After mending this one, I read on the web that it is better to leave the old fabric in and just applique the new one on top. Ahhhhh! I guess it will be easier and faster than removing the old torn fabric.  ':^[

 Little hearts forming a circle were quilting in the background.

Almost look like a star. Hard to photograph the quilting. Hope you can see it.

 Little hearts in the squares joining the rings.

The fabrics are always in the same order.

So this will be my slow stitching project for today ... and the rest of the month! Hehehe! No, it shouldn't take that long, except that I only have one fabric in my stash that matches. Time for a shopping spree ....umm... I mean ... oh you know what I mean!

I'll be at Kathy's place for Slow Sunday Stitching.  Catch you there.

Until next time .... I'll be enjoying the sunny days!


Sunday, 4 June 2017

Stop the dithering and start slow stitching!

Those of you who follow my blog might remember that I had an important decision to make regarding t my Ohio Star Shadow quilt. (See this post.)

Well after much dithering I finally made up my mind because I was tired of waiting for Plan B (B as in better) to show up.

The neglected 4 patches between the feathers have a home-made design.

Like so.

This is my template cut out of a green acetate sheet. Why on Earth did we had green acetate? Anywho!!

As you can see, it fits perfectly within the 4 patches. Yay! The slow stitching may now resume and not a moment too soon as they are calling for rain today ... again! Anyone out there needs some rain? Come and get it. Please, come and get it! Not much is growing around here. Anywho! Let's be grateful. My roof doesn't leak, my tummy is full, my family's healthy and I can afford sewing; life is good!

Until next time ....


Catching up with Kathy for Slow Sunday Stitching

Saturday, 3 June 2017

So little to show

I don't know where my time is spent but very little seems to be spent at the sewing machine. I have a little bit to show you this week. In green still.

The yellow roses fabric used as backdrop for the photo is as old as I am or very close. As far as I can remember, this fabric was in my mother's house. Curtains and tea towels. Cotton was different back then. She must have bought the entire bolt. The little bits all have green in them even though it doesn't show up very good in this picture. Blame the photographer. :^D

The 9 Patch blocks got framed.

Gorgeous fabric of little Nemo and friends received from Joyful Quilter. Thanks Joy.

Mexican Mouse playing guitar.

Ugly fabric of veggies. Hope it will look better once it's surrounded by others.

This is another fabric from my mother's stash. It happens to have a lot of yellows in it. Can I call this one the transitional block?

Group photo. And that's the end of my sewing effort for this week.

Check out all the others green and/or yellow blocks at Angela's place, Soscrappy.
On Sunday, I'll be with Cynthia, Quilting is more Fun than Housework.
Then I'll travel to the UK to meet with Nicki at Mrs Sew & Sow.

Until next time. ..


P.S. Look what I got. Spoiling myself a little bit.

Bonnie K. Hunter came to my house. YAY!!! Of course I also bought some fabric, I'll show you later.