Got a chance to play with the sewing machine this week.

and the light green for the month of January too. I am so grateful for friends. All the green fabrics in the spool are not from my stash nor from my scrappy bins. They were all given to me. Now I will think of them every time I see this spool. Thank you all.
Have a great weekend every one.
P.S. If you want to modify, edit or change your post after it's been published, click on the photo of the post in your post list. You do not have to revert to draft in order to add something. What used to be the editing button is now the photo. When done with the editing of the post, click on Update on top right. (It will update your posted blog without re-publishing it.) Then click on the Arrow on the left to get back to the post list. Otherwise, your post will re-published, coming back in the feed list as a new post. Enjoy the new Hunger Game ... I mean Blogger Game. ;^)
Sarah at Confessions of a Fabric Addict
Angela at So Scrappy
Cynthia at Quilting is More Fun than Housework
Frédérique at Patchworks and Quilts
Denise at For the Love of Geese
Neat blocks, Chantal;)) I think with the spool the other one looks just like a little button..cute...hugs from afar julierose
Congrats on getting all caught up on your RSC sewing, Chantal!!
Great blocks and thanks for the heads up with blogger!!
Love your spools and buttons! Isn't it fun to make things with other people's scraps?! Thanks for the Blogger info - it's taking all of us to figure these new changes out.
Very nice blocks Chantal - thanks for the blogger info. xx
Très jolis blocs Chantal !! Gros bisous :)
Thanks for the tip! Actually, I think this is a recent change. I had been clicking on the post title, then the save button which was hidden in a drop-down option. Sorry, in trying it out I republished my last post!
It takes a village! Thanks for the tip! Spool blocks are so fun, my large guild did an exchange some years ago! We all made the “thread part” in any color or two and enough for each member to get one. My quilt has a spool from each friend.
Ok, it just hit me the spool and the button blocks.... Awesome combo! I never thought of the updating the blog post to effect the feed list. I always post, check it and realize the photo's are huge and go back to editing, click the photo and the minus button to make it smaller. Every single time I post. You would think I would remember!
I've never seen those button blocks before. How cute.
Spools and buttons, so cute!
lovely blocks.... I love the buttons...
It looks as if you have been having bright, happy and colourful playtime with your sewing machine. I love that your friends gifted you some of their fabrics.
Le retour des boutons ! Ces tissus verts sont très beaux, j'adore cette couleur gaie, elle me fait penser à la végétation de printemps. Les blocs violet sont beaux aussi ;))
Your buttons and spools are adorable, Chantal! And thanks for the Blogger tip. I'm still bumping into things accidentally and wondering where other options have gone in the new interface!
what a cute sewing room quilt
Gorgeous purple and green blocks! I always look forward to seeing your progress on the spools and buttons.
Spools & buttons go perfectly together. Love the shades of both sets.
I don't know why, but those button blocks always make me giggle... 8)
Great blocks, thread spools are on my to do list and they get bumped down after new ideas surface. Thank you for linking up to Put your foot down, now they may be moved up a notch.
The blocks are so cute and I love the variety of fabrics in the spools! How big are the blocks?
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