Saturday 6 July 2024

Playing the Blues ... Still

As it seems to be my habit lately, I am still playing with last month's colour but the transition has started. 

I finished the Double Halo block in blue only to find a blooper after the pressing was done. 

This block has given me more headaches than all the others put together. 

Talk about putting them all together, aren't they nice? 

(The black spot on the bottom left is the shadow of the camera and not my cat. Sorry.) 

Only three more blocks to go for this mini quilt. One is Aqua, yes, then Orange for sure, and then ... what? What is missing? 

9-Patches, from blue to aqua ... and Canada Day too. 

During our long weekend, I decided to change the sewing room furniture around a little bit. I found these little 9-Patches that never got a chance to shine in a post. So, 

Cleaning up the sewing room meant less sewing time, of course. I managed to sew, on this Saturday morning, a few pieces for the crumbs ... 

and the Double Halo block in Aqua ... Teal?

A yardage was used for this Double Halo as nothing from the scrap bag was big enough. All the pieces are cut and ready by the sewing machine. 

These are the aqua bags on July 1st. 

It could all fit into one bag, maybe. We'll see at the end of the month how much got used. I didn't take a photo of the blue bags yet as the scraps are still on the floor. 

There are so many blue scraps ... and Aqua is calling my attention. On the top left is the bag of light blue; on the bottom right is the bag of dark blue. Anything that doesn't fit in either bag will be medium and bright blue to be bagged together. As previously mentioned, I would like to make a few crumb blocks out of it just to diminish the pile. Sigh!

There is usually an Ah-ha! moment whenever I decide to tidy up the sewing room. It was no exception this time around. I "re" discovered my Busy-Body bags made in 2016 when I was selling at Christmas Craft Sales. 

Seven didn't sell and now I have a mind to use them to store the scraps. Instead of using plastic bags, I might as well use the one in the busy-body bags. Each BB bag has 5 plastic bags inside. That's plenty enough for each BB bag to hold one colour each. And I can store the BB bag in ..., or on ... well, ... somewhere.  

Have a great week, everyone! 

Joining these talented ladies this week. 
Angela at So Scrappy
Frédérique at Patchwork and Quilts
Cynthia for Oh Scrap


MissPat said...

Even though you're still adjusting to going back to work and learning a new job, you haven't lost your sense of humor. Always fun to find hidden treasures when cleanup/rearranging furniture is done. Have a good rest of the weekend.

Anonymous said...

Why is it that we don't see the mistake until we've finished the block!!! ��

PaintedThread said...

It's amazing how far along you can get before seeing a blooper like that! They look nice.

Lin said...

Your double halo blocks do look great - and yes, I am wondering too what else there is apart from orange. It is always interesting what can be found when tidying up and those bags look useful. Nice work on all your other blocks, have a good week. xx

Frédérique - Quilting Patchwork Appliqué said...

Tes Double Halo sont beaux ! Mercii pour le nouveau mot que je viens d'apprendre, "blooper" ;) Ton grand week-end festif (joyeuse fête nationale !) a été bien utilisé pour la couture, quelle activité ! Adorables petits 9-patch et crumb blocs. Le nouvel usage des BB sacs est une excellente idée, et je suis sure que tu trouveras où les ranger ;)
Bises, et merci pour le partage.

Sara said...

I didn't see the mistake either. Those little bags will make a terrific way to store scraps. Great idea!

gayle said...

I hate to admit how long it took me to spot the blooper - no wonder it almost got past you!

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

Your Double Halo blocks are pretty in every color! Have fun playing with those aqua scrap bags!

Jeanette said...

Love your double halo blocks blocks. Glad you found the mistake before it was in a quilt. I made a quilt once & didn't realise there was a mistake until it was being quilted. My quilter sent it back so i could fix it. I told her she should've just quilted over it & i would never had known. I do try to check over things but sometimes mistakes just slip past. :) The 9 patches are lovely.

Fiona said...

Lots of different blocks made... glad you noticed the blooper before quilting (not like me!) Those blocks do look really good - love the dark star focus...
Hugz said...

The blue halo block looks terrific with all of its siblings! I too have way too many blue scraps. Have you considered starting Bonnie Hunter's Leader/Ender challenge this year? She used blue and green scraps, , ,

Nann said...

The halo block is great -- how frustrating when the units flip around when you're sewing them together. Looks as though you had some fun re-discoveries -- the busy bags will certainly be useful for scraps (and more decorative than plain bags).

Nann said...

P.S. The sewing machine race car in the header photo is great!

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

You are doing WELL!!! You still have half a month haha!
Love the block - now if you did all 4 like the boo boo you would have a whole new design.. It was just helping you along to see other options haha