Saturday 13 July 2024

Whatcha' Doing?

Asks Logical Left Brain.

- I'm pondering - replies creative Right Brain.

- Pondering what?

- Whether or not I should do Bonnie's new Leader & Ender Challenge.

- Well that's an easy question. The answer is NO! There are too many little pieces! It will take forever. Besides, you're still doing bazillions of little 9-patch blocks. That's enough for L&E.

- Yeah, but Bonnie's is blue and green. I love blue and green quilts.

- So? You have so many quilts to finish and soooooooo many more you want to make, and now, you want to start another one just because of its colour?? Like, really??

- Yeaaaa. And your point is?  I said I was thinking about it; I haven't started it ... yet.

Left Brain, rolling eyes to the ceiling, walks to the door. 

- Hey, where are you going?

(Opening the door)

- You're hopeless. I give up on you. (slamming door)

What a dull (colourless) one that Big Brain is! thinks Right Brain with a smirk.

Yep! That was about the conversation my brain had while I read Bonnie's instructions for her new Leader & Ender Challenge. Sigh! Still pondering. Lol.

Anywho! What got sewn this week? 

Aqua did! 

I got the middle star of Double Halo done and pressed. Then I realized the HSTs make the star too bulky and I prefer Flying Geese units. So, my faithful Super Seam Ripper came out and we "frogged" for a bit. It looks so green here ...  

... but when photographed with blue, it looks more seafoam green. So peaceful. 

More aqua got together too. 

The crumb block was almost done last weekend but I did finish the first Aqua Stained Glass. And, of course, some 9-patch blocks. 

Aqua blue, turquoise and ... a visitor? Found this little piece of blue with lime and I couldn't leave it alone. It just had to grow into something. 

Raven showed up for the photoshoot this morning. Then, he decided to ignore me. Sooo cat-like! 

Finally got a somewhat decent picture of him. (Is that a smirk on your face, Raven?) His belly is wet; a tall-tell sign that he walked through the field behind our house, his favourite hunting ground. It also means that he needs another good brushing. 

Comment Questions: 

QuiltGranma asks me who is "Quilts for Survivor" but Granma is a no-reply comment. Would love to explain it to you Granma so please email me at scrap(dot)and(dot)quilts via gmail(dot)com. I will be happy to answer all your questions.  

Back in the house, Raven pretended I didn't catch him playing with the strings on the floor. Yes, that's the vacuum hose. With a cat like that, especially during shedding season, there's no point putting the vacuum away. It resides in the sewing room for the time being. 

I know that the comparison pictures of the blue scrap bags before and after months' end haven't been posted yet. The reason is that the first picture shows the aqua scrap bags too. At the end of July, I will do both at once. (It also gives me more time to chop down some blue. Win, win.) 

I believe this is all I have from this week. 
Hope you are all well and are having fun playing with scraps. 


Joining these talented ladies this week. 
Angela at So Scrappy
Frédérique at Patchwork and Quilts
Cynthia for Oh Scrap


maggie fellow said...

hey - I had that same conversation with myself LOL

Jeanette said...

Oh dear. I think we all have conversations like that. :) Pretty aqua blocks. Love your kitty, he's beautiful.

scraphappy said...

New projects are so hard to ignore. It is always good to have another leader and ender ready to go. Then the current project can get promoted!

Sue said...

I can't really comment on the County Clare conversation because I succumbed easily to the lure of a blue & green Irish Chain. It was a no-brainer! I got 4 blocks done with my other sewing this week & am loving it! Also, that stained glass block looks totally awesome! Can't wait to see the whole quilt when it's all put together.

Quilting Babcia said...

Yep, been there, had the same conversation with myself many times. The only way to resolve the dilemma is to start two completely different projects while the first one simmers.

Frédérique - Quilting Patchwork Appliqué said...

Haha, qui des deux gagnera ?! C'est vrai que bleu et vert c'est très joli, et tentant ;) J'aime bien tes blocs turquoise, et l'adorable petit intrus vert acide. Ton chat doit avoir bien chaud en ce moment... Prends soin de toi également !

Pam said...

Hahaha! Sounds like Nanny of is have had that same conversation 🤣🤣🤣

MissPat said...

Oh, c'mon, you know you're going to do it. What's one more project? Besides you have all those scrap bags to empty. Better get movin'.

Fiona said... two sides had a similar conversation - but then I looked and saw I wouldn't have enough of those colours so it ended pretty quick! I love it though and think you should do it!!!
Great blocks achieved....
Hugz said...

Ha ha!! Loved your brain talk. Yes, join the leader ender. . .I spent two years on triple treat and think I have close to enough blocks to make a quilt. . .I love all of your aqua blocks. I'm looking forward to making some selvage blocks soon. . ..

QuiltGranma said...

quilt survivor?

Jocelyn is Canadian Needle Nana said...

I have the same kind of back and forth conversations in my head too! Beautiful blocks in beautiful fabrics...irresistable(sp?) for sure! You are a fantastic piecer.