Saturday 28 September 2024

I Played Volleyball

We lost. I'm alive. Period. 

My beautiful co-receptionist is sick since Wednesday, 18 of Sept. I am so tired. Not only do I have to answer all the phone calls, but also all the people coming in, the emails, the snail mails, every payments, lawyer's assistants' requests, cleaning of every room after each client, etc., but also work half a hour longer because she finishes 30 minutes after me. I'm beat!

So, what did I sew? 

(We change our Internet from cable to fiber optic. Yes, it's wonderful. Nothing works the same. Not even the TV channels are the same. (Sigh!) I can't use Microsoft anymore because they want me to pay to have access to my files. I did pay to have the  Microsoft Office package but that was on the old system, now they think I'm a new client and I need to buy the stupid system again. So greedy!) (I am now working with Google Drive which I never worked with before. So, on this beautiful funny Saturday morning, I am learning something new.) (But I don't want to learn. I'm tired!) (Stop whining!) 

Anywho, Framed 9 Patch came out to play last weekend. 
This is the original top but I find it small. The plan is to add a "border" of lighter blocks all around. The second block on the bottom row (the navy blue) will be remove and will go in the "border". It is so light that it will make the light border look weird. So, out it goes. 

It is replaced by this red one: 

I have also done this one which is too "dark" to go in the border. Maybe I'll find another light one to remove and replace. 

This is one of the lighter blocks I did but not liking the black bears on the right top corner. Too much black in one spot. So, an emergency operation was performed on this one. 

 It looks so much better in the group photo after its full recovery. Look! One of them is brown! 

Still lots more to do for the border. I plan to sew some this weekend. 

Yes, I did some 9 Patch blocks too. Also finished a second grey Stained Glass. I'm not doing any in brown though. 

That's all for now because getting these photos prepped for the post is draining my batteries. Also, I want to enjoy that sunshine while it is still here. 

Have a great weekend, every beautiful one of you! 

Joining these talented ladies this week. 
Angela at So Scrappy
Frédérique at Patchwork and Quilts
Cynthia for Oh Scrap
Alycia for Finished or NOT Finished Friday
NinaMarie at Creations - Quilts, Art, Whatever



Sara said...

The Framed 9-patch is such a great block, especially for a scrappy quilt. Your is looking really good. And it reminds me that I have one hanging in the closet waiting to be quilted. Hmmm

Jenny said...

Oh dear, I do hope your fellow receptionist recovers and comes back to work soon. Nice blocks you are working on.

Deb A said...

Oh no. That is a long time to do 2 persons jobs! I hope you can have a relaxing weekend and get some rest. Might I suggest another light block switch - third row, last one on the right for that swap?

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

It is definitely hard to do the job of two people - hope your co-worker comes back soon! The framed 9 patches are looking good. I'll enjoy seeing how the border frames them!

MissPat said...

First off, I hope you are being compensated for having to stay later each day. If your co-worker will be out much longer, it seems like they should bring in a temp to assist. I know, you have no power to achieve any of that.
In regards to the framed nine patches, the right block in the third row down is fairly light, so that might be a candidate to move into the border. It's light blue with white center squares.
Oh and I loved the report on the volleyball game. At least you haven't lost your sense of humor. And this to, sahll past. Hang in there.