Saturday, 8 February 2025

I Was Wrong

I thought the spool and the bobbin would finish at the same time or pretty close.

I was wrong. 

The bobbin ended first. There was still quite a lot on the cone. Yes, I was still sewing pink and drank coffee from my orange cup and not a Tim Horton's coffee. I rarely get a chance to have a Tim. Anywho! 

... the next day ...

... this came crawling up my machine. The cone was done too. It was very anti-climax. 

On Tuesday, I went to the Artisanat group meeting and came back home with, yes, again, more gifted bags. 

At the bottom left, I love those circles on the light blue, but all those fabric are canvas or upholstery thickness. The pile on the right is quilting quality. More Pink! Didn't look in the other two bags yet. 

I said that I would be sewing with blue and here it is. 
Aren't you surprise it's floral?? Who would have thought? Lol. 

Not much sewing happened this week, so the pink scrap basket is not finished. 

Hopefully, it will be quilted this weekend and assembled. Then I'll take pictures of the pink scraps for the end of the month comparison photos. I'm almost scared to look at that one, lol. 

Also this weekend, a lot of cutting will be happening. I'm leaving for a retreat on February 21st so I need to organize a few things. 

Start of the BLUE month photo. 

The blue baskets are overflowing. 
It kept falling off, haha. 

And then, the dark, the light and the ugly bags. (no, not really ugly.) They will follow me to the retreat in an attempt to deflate their egos. That's a mighty task. The one at the front has a hole. It kept puffing up when I flatten it out. It's not that full actually. 

I'm itching to make my RSC blocks in blue but I have to finish pink first otherwise, it will never get done. I know me. 

These were assembled as I put the crumb slab together for the pink basket. 

I don't know what is happening on at your place, but I hope it is good. So much snow everywhere, and wildfire, and earthquakes, ... I hope you are well. 

My cat is not affected by the cold, he doesn't care about the snow (he's part Main Coon), but the wind we had this week, stopped him in his track. 

That's all I have for you today. Stay safe. 🧡

I will visit these talented ladies over the weekend. Hope to catch you there. 
Angela at So Scrappy
Frédérique at Patchwork and Quilts
Cynthia for Oh Scrap


The Joyful Quilter said...

I don't blame you for wanting to finish your pink blocks before moving on to BLUE, Chantal. Retreat? Yes, you will definitely need to organize yourself for that! Best of luck with the preparations.

Canuck Quilter said...

I love you cat paws in the snow :) Good luck finshing up the pinks so you can move on to blues. I'm partial to blue, so I would be itching to start those!

Fiona said...

I am always amazed at just how much thread there is there when you are waiting it to finish.... or how it disappears when you are not expecting it to finish..... enjoy your retreat preparations.....
Hugz said...

I could just see your cat stop at the wind! LOL!!! I laughed at you deflating the egos of the dark, light and ugly bags!! I look forward to seeing your progress!!!

Lin said...

Looks like you have plenty of choice for blue month! How long have you been using that cone? Must have been a lot on it. Have a good week. xx

CathieJ said...

I have never had a Tim Horton's coffee. Is it really good? I go for Dunkin here in NY. You have a lot blue of scrap bags. I like those little blue blocks. Enjoy your stitching.

Frédérique - Quilting Patchwork Appliqué said...

Encore de belles chutes pour de beaux projets :)) Tes blocks font une jolie collection.

Susie H said...

Your blue fabric with the yellow flowers look like some 3 Sisters by Moda that I 've got too. Happy quilting this week to you! Your retreat starts on my birthday. I've got my sleep-in-your-own-bed retreat that Friday & Saturday. I'll bet we're BOTH excited!

SueR said...

Such a beautiful tree in the photo in your header. Lovely photo. Haha, thread roulette, I lose every time. Tim Horton's went away in my area, which was a bummer because I loved their powdered donuts with the white filling. I haven't been good about doing the Rainbow Scrap Challenge, but Grace and Peace Quilting is making nine patches that she saw from a quilt on a different blog. I am crazy about that quilt and might have to make some nine patches!