Friday, 24 April 2020


I find Pinterest very interesting ... maybe a little too much, okay, a lot, and yes too much time is wasted flipping through boards and videos, but I ♥ to see all the beautiful quilts. (That's one of the reasons why I'm afraid of getting an account on Instagram, lol. One addiction problem at a time, please.)

Anywho!! I saw some wonderful hexagon quilts and figure I should get mine out and finish it since I'm at home a lot lately (the understatement of the century).
Do you remember this?

Inspired by this awesome oldie made in 1875-1900

This was back in 2011. I work at it a little bit at time. I thought I was doing so well but at one point, I didn't like the half chopped diamonds so I decided to remove them. (You can see it in the first picture, at the top.)

This is the last picture of it on my blog.

You can see here how big it is even though it is missing 6 rows in this picture.

Then someone told me that it would be better if I put some half diamonds to even out the edges a bit. At the moment, if I put the border on, I would have to bring in so deep into the quilt that there's not much of a border showing.
Whaaaaaattt?????? Now that I have removed them all !!

It's a good thing I do keep everything.
I will re-attached only the full hexagons. The cut-off one will be removed.

I still have enough of that fabric to make those that are missing.
Happy dance.

Guest what I'll be doing on Slow Sunday Stitching?  It'll be fun!

While on Pinterest, I saw a Jacob's Ladder quilt with a border that I finally like. (Of course I can't find it anymore and I'm kicking myself for not saving it in the first place.) I do have a Jacob flimsy that patiently await its borders since 2013. So I started to make some blocks for the border.
I now have 15 made. A hundred more to go. :^D

It would be nice if I could locate my flimsy. Hope my measurements are right.



Denise at For the Love of Geese 
Sarah at Confession of a Fabric Addict
Angela at So Scrappy
Cynthia at Quilting is More Fun than Housework
Kathy at Kathy's Quilts

Monday, 20 April 2020

Design Wall Monday

Wow! I haven't been here on Monday for like ages!

I had some sewing sessions this weekend and this is on my design wall this morning,

along with a bunch of these.

The orange blocks are for my RSC2020 that I had not done in Orange due to the fact that I didn't have a RSC2020 plan/block when it was Orange month. (Does that make sense?) The second picture is an attempt to downsize my scrap bins. One orange, three greens, two neutral and no change in the bins. They are 6.5 X 8.5 inches but not trimmed yet.

My sewing station still looks under siege.

More sewing sessions this evening.

Have a great one.

Joining Beth for Making Mondays at Love Laugh Quilt 
Judy at Small Quilts for Design Wall Monday

Tuesday, 14 April 2020

What Cabin Fever Turned Me Into

It all started with the need of finding more Aqua/Turquoise fabric to finish my RSC Challenge back in March.

I dived into my strings bins looking for aqua and found more than that ...

... so much more than just aqua. I started to itch to sew them all together. It was fun! After the aqua was done, I couldn't stop.

Somehow this happened. (!!??)

I thought I needed some straight strings for another piece, because I couldn't stop. I needed to sew these scraps together and turned my eyes to my 1.5 inches strips bin. Oh Yes Baby!

I instantly developed a yearning to sew 9 patch block. Somehow this happened. (!!??)

And this! 
Alternate block to the 9 Patch

And a blooper. what's a good sewing session without a blooper? 

After, I put the strips back in the bin properly as it was just a big mess before, (Should have taken a picture of the before.) some pieces were too short to be used in a 9 patch block (see pile on the left of the bin in the earlier photo). Now I had more scraps to sew and the fever gain on me to just sew some more.

Again, I don't know what these are for (!!) and why I am doing this (??)

We interrupt this program for an important information. 

Health care people need more masks. 

So masks were made.

Some for men
Some for ladies 

They are open on the sides so the nurses, doctors, etc, can insert additional protection. The pattern was given to The Artisanat Club by the clinic. 
Sew until I ran out of elastic. 9 for ladies and 10 for men. And the scraps are calling my name from the corner of the picture! 

Thank you, health care people, cashiers, first respondents, and all of you out there for your daily sacrifice. 

Now back to our regular programming. 

Meanwhile, I found in a gifted bag of scraps (from a long time gone social gatherings), this piece. It's a baby panel that is commercially quilted ...

... but it has no backing. (!! ??)

Okay! So? What is one supposed to do with this? This batting is not even soft!! Yuk!

I got a mind of taking it apart. Yes, I know, right! I'm going crazy. Totally too late for me. haha!

I can hear Cynthia, (Quilting is More Fun than Housework) who hates to un-stitch, wondering "Why would anyone want to undo all that?"  I don't know!! The Cabin Fever made me do it!

When I got back into my sewing room, those funny strips were still there. They were calling my name  again.
I felt the pressure to sew some more together. And this happened.

Yet, more and more were coming out.


I can't TAKE it anyMORE!!! 

The scraps are invading me!!  

With my youngest son's help, we turned an ugly, sun-faded chair into this. (Again, didn't take a before picture. Sorry)

For first time upholsterers, I think we did a pretty good job. We deserve an A on this one ... or a box of Oreo cookies. :^D

And one place mat almost done. Wonder what I could use to bind it with?

How about some scraps?   😵 AAAhhhhhhhhhh!

Saturday, April 4th, was such a hot gorgeous day that everyone wanted to be outside. But we have to keep our distance and this is what social distancing means ...
...  socializing from a distance. I love this. The neighbours are sitting at the end of their driveways, talking the afternoon away. (Seen from my living room window)


This post's meant to bring a smile to your face. Hope I succeeded. Have a great one. ♥

Sarah at Confessions of a Fabric Addict
Angela at So Scrappy
Cynthia at Quilting is More Fun than Housework

Thursday, 2 April 2020


What a wonderful thing. Especially when I'm the one doing it, haha.

After a fun afternoon with strings,

I made some progress on a green border ...

Followed by another green border!

Whoop Whoop! I am so happy! Look who's done!!

Field of Poppies (aka Good Fortune by Bonnie K. Hunter) is ready for quilting.  Um! I'm just noticing that last border is pretty wavy!

Doesn't look better up close. Okay so it isn't ready for quilting. I'll redo that last border (sigh!) but at least you know what it looks like. What do you think?

While I took pictures of my quilt, early this morning, someone came by to serenade me. It's a Cardinal bird. I SOOOO love cardinals. I just sat there and listen for a bit. Then he took off. Thank you for such a lovely moment. I appreciate it. And please come again, any time at all, soon.

So now that I am done with the greens, this place needs a good cleaning.

That is so much better. Awwhhhh! I think I haven't seen the top of this cabinet since the beginning of 365 challenge back in 2016.  Yikes!

Yes, my cutting table is a sewing cabinet. With no machine in it. But one is coming, eventually. Aunt Lucy is bringing me hers whenever we will be allowed to meet again.

These mats were finished and delivered ... on her porch.  Yes! Checked.

Oh yeah! I bet you want to know what I did with the strings, right?

Some got sewn together

different colours were used

and tossed aside for later.

I have to stay focus.

It took me a while

and some help from the Super Seam Ripper,

but I got what I wanted.

Hum! This will be a fun quilt, I think. I like where it is taking me. Maybe it's a quilt for me?  We'll see! :^D

Be "in" and stay home.


Denise at For the Love of Geese
Kelly at My Quilt Infatuation
Sarah at Confessions of a Fabric Addict
Angela at So Scrappy
Cynthia at Quilting is More Fun than Housework