The purple scraps are finally out and playing a sweet melody.
Isn't this print beautiful? I'm adding it to my Friends' Favourite quilt for sure.
Before starting on the Scrap Jar Star block, I like to take out the first one I made to make sure I am not using the same fabric in the points. It would not matter much, but I like to make things difficult for myself, haha.
First purple Scrap Jar Star |
Eight different fabrics were found for the second Star. Yay!
Irish Star was next and I realized they are basically the same pattern as the big Scrap Jar Star. What???
I know!! I don't understand why it took me so long to see this too!
Anywho, four stars are done, and three more to go.
Then, it was Star Bloom's turn. Oops! Forgot to check on this one last month. I'll remedy it right away.
It turns out that four purple blocks were made last year so there is no additional one to do; there were only two green blocks though. So I whipped up two more.
The top left and bottom right are the newest blocks. While the green scraps were out, I added two more Irish Stars (Can't. Stop. Making. These!!) for a total of 6 green stars.
Following some cleaning up, I got more purple out. I found two 9-Patch that I didn't like the fabric combination as the colours were too similar. In my usual way, I took them apart. That's when I noticed that they were 2.5" on one side and 2.25" on the other side. Now I understand why they were gifted to me. Haha. So I cropped them down to 2!
Hairy purples |
I used some right away. Can you spot one? Two?
Finally, some Friends' Favourite blocks got started.
Weather-wise, Spring was skipped this year. We went from winter to summer within a week.
The ice storm of last week and ...
... this morning, April 15, 2023. There is still a bit of snow closer to the forest. The branches in front of the shed were cut from a maple that split during last week's ice storm.
DH cut it down right away as it was hanging precariously over the neighbour's fence. I'm thinking of cutting it down completely and starting anew with a red maple tree. We'll see what hubby says about that. (This picture was taken two hours after the first one this morning. Isn't the sky a wonderful blue?)
We heard that in some places, they went without power for three days. I consider myself blessed.
Have a lovely weekend.
Joining some talented quilters here: