Saturday 29 June 2024

Blue's Last Dash to the Sewing Machine

I barely have enough energy to sew. 
Isn't that an awful thing to say? Unfortunately, it is how I feel. 

Fortunately, it is a long weekend here in Canada as we are celebrating Canada Day on July 1st. This morning, I got to my sewing machine as soon as my first coffee was poured, to push more blues under the needle. 

Last week's buds have turned into a crumb block and a Stained Glass. 

A little crumb block along with my regular 9-Patches.

I'm trying to get the bag of "blue with other colours" used also. Since last week's tulip had orange fabric ... an orange 9-patch ... of course! You know me so well. 😄

Two more crumb blocks were finished this morning. (not trimmed) 

I want to do 1 or 2 crumb blocks (2 would be best) with the medium or bright blue before calling the blue done.  

Double Halo Star, my RSC2024 project, is still in pieces ... 

... because I keep sewing the HSTs the wrong way. Sigh! It is my uppermost priority today ... after checking all the bags that Carole brought this morning. Whoohoo!!

Oh! the fun of "new" fabric!! 

Hope you too are having lots of fun with fabrics. 

Happy Canada Day to all my fellow Canadians and happy Independence Day to my friends down south. 🎆🎇🎆🎇🎆🎇🎆🎇 



Joining these links to get more inspiration
Angela at So Scrappy
Frédérique at Patchwork and Quilts
Cynthia for Oh Scrap


Sue said...

Enjoy the process, you are getting there.

marina said...

that new bag of scraps will be just the thing to spark your energy. Lots of lovely blue happening.
Happy Canada Day!

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

I love all your crumb blocks - they just make me want to go in to my sewing and make them, too! I know your Double Halo Star will come together, too. Happy Canada Day!

Astrid said...

Pretty blue crumb blocks. I think that scrap bag is an energy booster. Happy Canada Day!

Lin said...

Some progress is always better than non and you have some nice blocks there. Happy Canada Day. xx

Julierose said...

Lovely blue blocks in progress for your RSC this year!! I love watching everyone's "takes" on the monthly color changes...and yours are so vibrant...
Nice WIPS hugs, Julierose said...

Your last dash of blue sure was productive! I really am liking your crumb blocks!

Fiona said...

June went by way too fast... hope you feel less exhausted after the long weekend...

SueR said...

Happy Canada Day! I have the energy to sew, just haven't had much time, lol; but I have one on the longarm and a deadline, so at least that will get done. You did a great job using up those blue scraps!

QuiltGranma said...

Just a thought... when making those crumb blocks, mix up the shades of the colors more. That would make them more interesting in the future whatever they will be going into.

The Joyful Quilter said...

A little BLUE sewing and a little bit of scrap sorting sounds like enough for a tired quilter, Chantal. Here's hoping you got some rest over the long weekend!

Elaine Adair said...

What IS that mechanical/auto-looking thing at the top of this post? Obvioously, I've been too much "in the dark" with all my self-interests. 8-))

Sylvia@Treadlestitches said...

Lovely blue blocks! Happy (belated) Canada Day! Oh, the joys of a "new" scrap bag! It's all those possibilities. Take care, and get some rest.

Rajani Rehana said...

Please read my post

Deb said...

Some days ( or even weeks) are just like that! We had the flu earlier in the summer, kids got sick, things broke. But then , we watched a show about people living in the wilderness in Alaska and my life didn't seem so bad! Let's all hang in there!! We'll be okay!

Frédérique - Quilting Patchwork Appliqué said...

Tu es brave d'avoir l'énergie de coudre malgré la fatigue, je t'envie ! C'est une habilité que je ne possède pas ;) Voilà une belle collection de blocs bleus, j'adore les crumbs, tout en subtilité.