Saturday 1 June 2024

What Happened to Pink?

It went by so quickly, it looked like a blur. Not much but some Pink were used.

Switching from yellow to pink. 
No pink with blue yet. Hopefully, this weekend the Pink will meet the Blue. 

The Double Halo Star is finished. 

It joined the group for a photo. 

Only four more to go. Now, the question is does it want a light blue or a bright blue? I'll show it the options I have until it answers. Stay tuned. 

Stained Glass blocks were also finished. 

The light pink is as pale as you see it here. I hope it will look a touch darker once the white triangles are attached. 

Today is officially blue day but I will continue with pink for a bit as the crumb blocks and the Double Tulips block are not done (and I don't want to put all those little bits back in the bags).  :^D 

That's all I have. I try to reply to comments but I am failing miserably. Since I am no quitter, I will get to your comment eventually. Just be patient with me, please. 💖

Have fun with Blue! 

Joining these talented ladies during the week: 
Cynthia for Oh Scrap
Angela at So ScrappySo Scrappy
Frédérique at Patchwork and Quilts
Alycia for Finished or NOT Finished Friday
NinaMarie at Creations - Quilts, Art, Whatever


Frédérique - Quilting Patchwork Appliqué said...

That's a lot of pretty pink blocks, and Double Halo Star is gorgeous! Blue is going to be lovely too, can't wait to see the blue version of your blocks!
Thank you for sharing ;)

Frédérique - Quilting Patchwork Appliqué said...

Oups, désolée, emportée par l'élan, je ne t'ai pas écrit en français... Bises !

Sara said...

Those Double Halo Star blocks are just stunning!!

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

I love your Double Halo stars! So fun to see the group together. Have fun finishing up with your pink scraps!

Gwyned Trefethen said...

The double halo star blocks are fabulous. The black accent brings them to life.

PaintedThread said...

Love those Double Halos. They'll look great all together.

Deb said...

Those Double Halos block are beautiful ! Lots of little points there wow!
They look so good all together! Well dne!

Fiona said...

Lovely blocks, working really cuts into your crafting time doesn't it???? I love those double halo blocks... so effective...

Lin said...

I would not have thought to put pink and yellow together but it works so well! Nice work with all your pinks. xx

Sylvia@Treadlestitches said...

All your blocks are pretty, but the Double Halo Stars steal the show! It's fun to see them side by side. said...

Hmm. . .either blue will be a nice addition to your Double Halo Star blocks. I too can't believe May is behind us. Time is flying by. . .now to get into blue before we are writing about July!

Quilting Babcia said...

I love those double halo stars! No need to respond, just happy to hear that you have a bit of time for quilting!

Astrid said...

Your double Halo Stars are so pretty. Love seeing them together. Cute 9-patches and stained glass blocks too.

Jenny said...

Your double halo stars are such interesting blocks, don't think I've seen this design before.

Angie in SoCal said...

Those Double Halo stars are fabulous! Nice going on the nine-patches. A good way to morph from one color to the next. Blessings, and I'm still praying for a job for you.

Jocelyn is Canadian Needle Nana said...

Double Halo Stars are beautiful and of course, I love those pink tiny 9 patches. Yours look so neat and tidy. Mine are being paper pieced and kind of bumpy, :) Happy Stitching from me!