Saturday, 15 March 2025

Looking For Yellow

My back is somewhat better (thank you for all your good wishes), so I was able to sew a little this week. But first ....

What's in the bag? Last week, Carole brought me two more scrap bags. I wanted to see if there was some yellow in there. Want to see? 

I pulled out many bags from the first bag. The second one is the "A" bag. The H&M bag is full of small scraps. 

This is the loot from the purple bag. Lots of pink on the right. It will surely topped my pink scrap basket. The batting in the middle is not the kind I'm use to. It feels like it's for stuffing pillows or something. 

Just a little bit of yellow was found. I flipped the pink bag so you can see the other side. You're welcome. 

This piece is sewn. They used to do this when the manufacturers got at the end of the huge roll. They sewn the edges flat together and just kept rolling it in bolt. This was done a very long time ago so this fabric must be vintage. 

The "A" bag had lots of scraps, I mean lots of scraps but I also got a very good chunk of purple cotton and a yellow and grey fabric out of it. The pink one is textured and not made of cotton. It will go to the thrift store. 

It also had the leftover of a farmer theme quilt. It will probably go to the thrift store too. 

But my favourite are these pieces. Meow! 

Yellow, Yellow on the wall,
Tell me if I've accomplished anything at all.

I worked with the gold scraps and a little bit with yellow.  

Oh! My! Burning toasts! What happened to the geese? They are flying in all direction. They must have seen a squirrel or two coming out of those bags. 😄 Or the cat! 

They were reunited with their flock the next evening. 😊

Three April Fool blocks were also made. Seven more to go. 

At the retreat, Mary did a little needle book for each one of us. Isn't it pretty. I'm using it daily and yet forgot to mention it here. So, here it is. Thanks again, Mary. 💗

We had some warm weather lately. We know it won't last but it is still nice to have a "Spring feeling" at this time of the year. 
That's all I have for now. Have a great week everyone. 


I will visit these talented ladies over the weekend. Hope to catch you there. 
Angela at So Scrappy
Frédérique at Patchwork and Quilts
Cynthia for Oh Scrap!
Alycia for Finished or NOT Finished Friday
Nina Marie at Creations - Quilts, Art, Whatever

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