Saturday, 22 March 2025

The Pot of Gold

Another week gone by with, unfortunately, not much sewing done. So I tried to catch up a little bit this morning by finishing a block or two. 

Another golden crumb block and one more block (don't know the name of it) for the April Fool quilt. 

On the right are three more Bonus Point blocks. On the left, I blame Cathy for that one, lol. She calls it 18 Patch and I love it! This is my tester block or the reminder block. You know the type of block you do just one but somehow it becomes a quilt before other projects started long before that one? She has her block more organized then mine is but I like it this way too. Go check how she did hers. It's a scrappy beauty. 

You might wonder where all the scraps, from the pictures at the beginning of the month, end up. Here, you can see that about half of the yellow scrap bag has been selected for crumb blocks construction or for cutting into specific sizes. The containers holding the different sizes are never pictures but they are growing so fast. 

Decluttering: following Joy's lead in this endeavor. 
I purged three pair of pants and two pair of shoes. I love these shoes but the heel broke. I took a picture so I can remember them. They say I'm too old to wear such shoes. They say I shouldn't wear shoes like that with my back. My reply has always been the same: walk away with my nose in the air, on my 6" heel shoes, swaying my butt at them. (I'm no Jessica Rabbit and I'm no Spring chicken either but don't tell me that I can't do something while I'm doing it.) 

Loved this pair of shoes too to the point that they almost have a hole in the sole. The inside isn't leather and it is now coming apart. And part I will have to do with them too. 
The jeans was never worn. I bought it on line and the lace is so badly sewed and they used black thread on white lace!  Of course, that's not what they showed in the picture on the net. I kept them with the intention of resewing the lace on but you know what? (Yep that word) that. I don't have time for shituation like this anymore. 
A box of primary school homework was hiding in my son's room. Twenty years later, it's time for it to go. The binder on the left was made of a stiff plastic and it fell in pieces as I handle it. A sure sign that it needs to be trashed. 
Lonely socks: how long should one hold on to a lonely sock? 
I have a basket for lonely socks and while doing the laundry this week, I decided that some were too old to be reunited with anything. Six lonely socks went out! 
Not counting how many items are leaving my home, just getting rid of them. 

Now, my biggest problem with decluttering is bringing the things still worth a second life to the thrift store. I can't help myself but walk into the store. . . and come out with more stuff. Lol. 

I got these! Two sets of pillow cases. A big $8 total. Of course, me being me, I will undo these and use them in a quilt, haha. The dots were store bought, the green ones are homemade. Beautiful owl fabric! 

Then I had to go to the fabric store to buy some Steam a Seam or whatever you call this sticky interfacing. There was a sale. When it's there a sale? So I came out, once again with new fabric. At $5 a meter, do you blame me? 

The television set just made me laugh and I got all that was left on the bolt. The grey one is just for the kick of it. I have a mind to make myself a shirt with it. When you look at it real close ... 

you see the jumble of cars. 

As I am writing this my phone rang. Someone is bringing me 4 boxes of fabric from her aunt's sewing room. My question is: where will I put all that? Then she showed up with these. 

Stay tuned. 

Don't let the ugly in others kill the beauty in you. 
Have a wonderful week, everyone! 

I will visit these talented ladies over the weekend. Hope to catch you there. 
Angela at So Scrappy
Frédérique at Patchwork and Quilts
Cynthia for Oh Scrap!
Alycia for Finished or NOT Finished Friday
Nina Marie at Creations - Quilts, Art, Whatever

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