Tuesday, 10 October 2017

Where's my orange?

Heck! Where's me??!!

Where have I been all of September?  Well, first and foremost, I am still alive and kicking. That's always a good thing, right? :^D

Second, did a few things but not much in the sewing room.

Let's see what's story the pictures are telling.

Remember this poor old quilt?

 It is done and delivered.

 It even has its own label now with the name of the original quilter. No, I didn't add my name on there. I thought it wouldn't be appropriate.

It got a couple of good soaks and trips in the washing machine. I got it back to almost its original color. 

You can probably see the quilting of hearts forming a circle in this picture. Love it. 
He was very happy to have his quilt back. So much so that I almost got a hug!!  :^D

Back in July, we helped my friend Pink to move. Her very pregnant cat held it all in for that day. Six days later she had 5 adorable little kittens. Of course I had to go back (3 hours drive to and fro) just to see the little balls of fur. I was so not disappointed. Moving forward another 5 weeks and I was back down there to play with the bigger little balls of fur.

It was pure heaven ... for me anyway.

Most of the pictures are blurry because ... well they're very active kittens and Pink and I just kept laughing. (These pictures were also taken with a phone.)

There were two kittens missing as they had found a good home already. I had a lot of fun with the remaining three. 

 I have this face on a lot of the blurry pictures because ...

this little one kept biting my leg or foot. I came back home with lots of scratches on both arms and a very light heart. All was worth it.

I also had a dark episode but that's behind me now so let's leave it there. And I had fun with the loom again but that's for another post. So what's left? Quilting. Or at least some sewing. And it was the month of Orange for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge. Yay!

Then two of my colleagues at work asked for kittens. Drove back to Pink's place, picked up two gorgeous kittens, put them in a box and drove back home. Was too tired to take each one to their new home that night, so we had some cat food and a "homemade" litter box. Again, the fun I had with little balls of paper and kitties. 

By 11 p.m. they were almost ready to go to bed. I wasn't.
It's the last time these brothers slept together. Both are now happily living in their new homes ... and thriving. :^D  And I miss them so much.

So now can I sew? September has been beautiful weather-wise, so much so that it was hard to stay inside and sew. Now that the cooler weather is here I can finally sit and sew a bit. I am playing with orange because I missed the Orange Month. :^(

I am enjoying this ...  :^)

More to come. But for now, I am tired and will take a break. I have the week off  so more sewing tomorrow. (Can you Hashtag big grind here or what?)

Until next time...



Quilting Babcia said...

Gosh, I was expecting to see Your new kitten by the end of this post! Hope the rest of your week gives you lots of sewing/quilting time.

swooze said...

Great job on the quilt repair, ditto on the previous kitten comment... lol

gayle said...

Playing with kittens is the BEST! A real happiness-booster any time! (I wouldn't be able to resist keeping one. You are a strong strong woman!)
Happy sewing! Enjoy your vacation!

canuckquilter said...

You made such a difference in that quilt! As for those kittens. Oh my, they are gorgeous and cute all wrapped together. How did you resist taking one home for yourself?

Lisa J. said...

The quilt looks great. You did a great job with it. Got to love those kitties.

Marly said...

Your quilt restoration looks perfect, but you only got a hug?! I too thought you'd be taking a kitten home with you for yourself! Maybe you have yet another trip planned? Your orange quilting looks interesting, and vaguely familiar.

Ellen said...

I also thought the story would end with a new kitty of your own - maybe your friend still has one left? :)

Glad to see you back!

Lin said...

Yes, I too thought one of those kittens would end up living with you! Gorgeous little bundles. Great work on the repair job - the quilt looks amazing after all your hard work. I skipped on orange as I had a completed project that didn't need it but have been busy with pink. May do orange in a catch up month as I love pink and orange together. Good to have you back with us. xx

CecileD said...

Oooh ils sont trop chou....Est-ce que tu en as gardé un pour toi ?
Concernant le quilt ancien, tu as fait un travail exemplaire ! Bravo Chantal !

Fiona said...

oh gosh well done with that quilt... so great to give it more years onto it's life. those kittens are so sweet and you look like you are having a great time with them! I discovered I have very little orange in my scraps! clearly there are gaps in my life! xx


Chookyblue...... said...

an amazing job on the quilt.......