Saturday 7 July 2018

Red Bots

Last week, the weather was unbelievable high in this region, like so many other places too. Blame it on my age, or maybe because I'm Canadian and we usually don't see these temps for so long, or maybe it's my meds but, regardless, I was a big zero. I was very uncomfortable in the humidity and didn't accomplished much ... but I managed to sew anyway. Sewing flannels on top of that, ha!

All the centres for the third crumb quilts are done. Yup! All 88 of them! This one is for my DS#3.


Some 17 centres were already sewn into blocks and some more will get finished this weekend. Unknown to me, I feel like I was set up on a mission. Who set me up like this?

Because this weekend, the temperature is much nicer, I can turn the iron on and press all the seams of last week top.

And then the red border will enter the scene.

I choose this print for DS#2 as he is contending to become an engineer. He loves motors and moving parts and oh! the junk  wiring  gears  parts on his desk!!
I'm still not sure how to finish this quilt but I like the idea of piano keys ... hmmm, we'll see.

Have an awesome day.


Joining Angela at Soscrappy
Joining Cynthia at Quilting is More Fun than Housework


Karen said...

The robot fabric is unique. Good choice for an engineer that likes metal moving parts.

The Joyful Quilter said...

Sorry you were melting in the heat and humidity. Glad to got some sewing done! In RED, no less, for the RSC.

Kathy S. said...

Fabulous! I see those reds in there! Stay cool.

Fiona said...

Such a lot of work in those little blocks..... the end result is lovely....

A friend of mine is visiting Toronto and has said how hot it is … and she is from semi tropical Australia.... so it must be hot.... the humididty is always what makes it so uncomfortable

gayle said...

I've been living in that same oven! Today it only got up to 80, and it felt like a cool spell! 8)
Maybe you can make the piano keys look like cogs?

Marly said...

What a great idea, making the centres of the stars REALLY SCRAPPY like that. I love them!

Cynthia Brunz Designs said...

Your stars are a great way to use up those small bits. Thanks for sharing with Oh Scrap!

I am not a fan of the heat either. Summer is my least favorite season and I just try to get through it.

Angie in SoCal said...

a great quilt! We've been fried this past week also - high was yesterday 119 - following a 118 day.

Shelina said...

It was hard to make a lot of progress last week with the heat, but it is cooling down here too. Amazing that you managed to work with flannel. You've made great progress!

CecileD said...

Nous avons entendu à la télévision comme il faisait chaud au Canada, et malheureusement aussi le nombre de décés que cela a causé...
Tu as malgré tout super bien travaillé et la flanelle avec ce temps.... wow ! tu mérites la médaille du courage !! Gros bisous Chantal :)

Lin said...

Lovely to see your progress with this. xx