Monday, 9 December 2019

Christmas Party and Show N Tell

Le Club Artisanat had their Christmas party on Tuesday, Dec 3. It was a lot of fun and a little sad since we lost three members this year. (Some of the ladies are well into their 80's and they still participate. I'll be happy to be half that smart at their age.)

Cue in the pictures.

 Lots of people came this year. We were 74 members present. We have almost 100 members all together.

The show and tell tables. 

We also take in gifts for children in needs and items for the food bank too. These people are so generous.

This is our funny Julie. During the "meeting" part of the evening, she had the responsibility to talk about the origin of the "Christmas Tree". She decided to dress up for the occasion.

She took her responsibility very seriously. But the things she said; we were all in stitches. 

Finally came the time for the show and tell. This is Lise, our treasurer, who doesn't like the camera, so she was showing the items very rapidly in the hope that I wouldn't take a picture. Got to love a girl like that.  (Note the giant star or snowflake behind her. You will see it again in other pictures.)

 This afghan was knitted and I thought it was just magnificent. WOW!

Then came Sylvie's quilt. She is a master at quilting.

Look at this red block. In the plaid, the red lines are all lined up to meet with the red line from the next piece. Isn't that something? She is just awesome! She quilted it on her long arm.

Three little knitted gnomes. The red one kind of fell over a little bit (a little bit too much beer.) I thought they were so cute.

Again, here's Lise trying to avoid the camera once more. She is showing bags but they are hard to see with all the gifts behind. Yep, we all get a gift. Every one present gets a present. 

The next few pictures are tops. Lots of time we bring in the top as it is less heavy for our two "Vanna White".

 This one was huge!

There were quite a few quilts made from this design in different colorways.

The next two are quilted. 

This is a weaved afghan. It was so incredibly soft.

Another weaved afghan. 

Someone knitted this cradle with a blanket and the baby had a pajamas too. So cute.

I tried really hard to take a good picture of this one as it had real lights in it. Unfortunately there was always someone in front of it so ... I snapped a picture anyway. Sorry, Françoise. I'm chopping your head off.

Now that wonderful star or snowflake you saw on the wall mesmerized me all evening long. Then I found out it is my good friend Lucie, sitting right next to me, who had made it. So I asked her pointers for making one for me and voilà ... 

... got my very own star made out of plastic cloth hangers. White tie-wrap are holding it together. It measures 36 inches across. It took 10 minutes to whip this together and I asked DH to get a set of lights to add to it. It will be giving to my In-laws sometime this week. DH will hang in up outside their house for them.

We will now return to our regular programming ... on another post.

Cheers! \_/



Quilting Babcia said...

What an ingenious coat-hanger wreath! Thanks for sharing.

Quilting Babcia said...

I meant snowflake - sorry, it's late ;-)

Lin said...

What a talented lot your group are! Beautiful show and tell and what a great star. Looks like a lot of fun at your party. xx

Barb said...

what a fun party! great show and tell and donation table

Vicki in MN said...

So glad you could share the show and tell with us. And wow that hanger snowflake is awesome!
Happy Holidays

Lisa J. said...

I couldn't believe that snowflake is make from plastic clothes hangers. It looks amazing. Your group looks like you have a lot of fun together and you make such a variety of things.

gayle said...

That star is made of COAT HANGERS?!? Holy cats!

Fiona said...

looks like a lovely party and wonderful show and tell... a very talented group. the coat hangers snowflake is so clever.....