My brother came over to visit the family. He lives in Alberta, Canada. We don't see each other much. It was SOOOOOOOOO nice to see him again.
At work, the girl who works with me is on maternity leave since the end of January. They have finally found a replacement. Whoop! I might get home less tired now and have some energy left to sew something. :^D
Another surprise I got was this huge bag full of scraps! Goodness gracious! How generous some people are! It was mostly from Anne, but Lucie and Carole also pitched in. I was so thrilled, I was giddy, like a little child.
It came from the ladies I used to sew with on Wednesday. I was so touched that they still collect their scraps for me. Wait! Did I say scraps? These are huge scraps. Check it out.
Stacks of two inches tall. The white triangles are 6 inches on the short end! Anne has the most beautiful cotton. Don't know where she gets it from but it's really top quality. And she even gave me her rejects from her New York Beauty quilt. One of them is hanging on the bag in the first picture.
These are all strings ready to be used. Talking about strings, while I was puttering around, trying to find room to store the goodies, I found a placemat I'd started a long time ago when Julie from Texas had sent me a box full of strings.
I finished the right hand side of it and I'm sure I can find something in those strings to make a binder out of. (Thanks, Julie, for all the lovely strings!)

Is Anne making Bonnie's Good Fortune too? I'll have to ask her. Mine is very slowly coming along.
Some blue, some green, some blue-green.
There was also lots of beautiful dark blue in the gift bag. Guess where these will end up? Yes, in my 365 challenge. Whoop!
Like I said, some aren't scraps but yardage, like this bird fabric and the beautiful lime and brown fabric in the third picture that was given by Carole.
Thank you so much ladies. You are such wonderful people. ♥
Needless to say that I spent a lot of time just admiring and petting and trying to store all these goodies somewhere.
There was this little bit of Aqua with a cute little fox on it. I just had to make something out of it right away. It became a little bookmark and it is with me everyday.
Talking about wild life, I had another nice surprise this morning.
On the other side of the racing track behind my yard, I spotted a calf. I thought who has a calf on the loose, has there is no livestock farms near by. I kept looking at it and then it hit me. It has no tail!
It's a calf alright but of the MOOSE kind. And it has a white spot on its back and on its butt. So cute! Sorry for the grainy pictures, but it was raining hard and I'm about 300 feet from it. It was happily chewing on the bark. I'm happy to see it has survived the winter.
Bye, bye baby moose. You can come back anytime you want. Take care! ♥
Okay! Back to quilting. Still quilting the flannel monster. I do one or two passes every other night. My shoulders appreciate the break.
I also used the dark blues from Anne's gift to make Mother's Fancy, September 20th.
It has 65 pieces and measures 6.5 inches. The 9-Patch blocks are 2 inches unfinished. I love this one.
And that's it for now. Sorry, it turned out to be a much longer post than I intended.
Since it will rain all weekend long, I'll be in my sewing room if you are looking for me.
Joining Angela at So Scrappy
Cynthia at Quilting is More Fun than Housework
Wendy at Wendy's Quilts and More
That baby moose looks very healthy, and very distinctive. You'll always know it's him/her when you see it in your yard munching on your garden, lol! That was a beautiful gift of scraps, and I love the way you set your string placemat.
Wow!! Your friends are SEW generous!! Enjoy your scrap infusion. I have to tell you, I absolutely LOVE the placemat you made and think you need to FINISH that thing!!
Glad you got some GOOD surprises! Those scraps are a *very good* one! (And isn't it always fun to play with someone else's scraps?)
Hopefully it won't be raining the next time your little moosey friend comes to visit, so you can get a better look at it!
What generous, scrappy friends you have! All those bits will be fun to play with. Loved the photos of the young moose - what a cool sight!
Lots to read today.... how lovely to have your brother to stay.. it's not so easy to catch up with family living in other countries. Lovely box of fabric... that will keep you playing happily for a long time. I think your friends are glad to find a home for the pieces, its hard for a quilter to throw scraps but don't always know what to do with them. I never knew there was no tail on a moose …. huh, still learning new things... slowly but surely witht he quilting and great to make a bookmark... my favourite one is a fabric one and I love your latest block....
Always welcome!!! Lovely projects you have...strings are the most fun!
A big bag of someone else' scraps is the best gift! I know you will find beauty in every last bit. Thanks for sharing with Oh Scrap!
Lovely surprises! All those scraps have such potential.
My heart went pitter-patter over your scraps too. Fabulous friends!! I hope you continue to see that darling moose and enjoy watching him grow up.
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