My goal is to have all the 365 blocks finished before the year is out. I managed to finish all the blocks for November before the month is done, even though there were a few bumps along the way. Hopefully I can do the same with December. Let's have a look.
November 22 - Star and Cross - 33 pieces
Nov 23 - Airport -
what is this? I don't like this block. I'm not sure why but I don't like this block. Nope, not doing it. To me, it has a modern feel compared to the others but that's just me. So let's pick something else.
I couldn't find anything in the Bonus Blocks as they are all for the smaller 3.5 inches blocks. Not to worry; there's a gazillion of inspiration all over magazines, books, Internet, Pinterest ... Out on a hunt I went. And I came back home with more than a few good candidates. The winning block is :
Carolina Chain from Bonnie K. Hunter. 36 pieces
This is a very fun block to do. Maybe a little too much fun.
Can we really have too much fun? This is going down in the flannel bin and someday, out of that bin will sprout a Carolina Chain quilt. Yay! (Please do not hold your breath.) (Can you say squirrel?)
Uh hum!
Back to 365 Challenge.
Yes, well, November 24 brought Turkey's Dilemma - 49 pieces
It is a nice one with no Y-seams so I love it. RSC contender? Maybe.
November 25 - Squares and Strips - 25 pieces
Talk about easy.
November 26 - Merry Kite - 45 pieces
I got into all kind of troubles with this one. Remind me not to sew pass my bedtime. Eventually, it got done ... beautifully.
November 27 (so close to the end, Aaaaahhhhh!) White Hemstitch with 37 pieces.
November 28 - Domino and Squares - again 37 pieces and not yet trimmed. ( I just want to sew! I don't have time to trim!)
Isn't it a beauty? I love this one too.
November 29 - Celtic Twist with 29 pieces. I love this one.
I've done one before as it is on my to-do-list but since I can not locate it at the moment, you'll just have to believe me. Lovely block.
I apologize for the poor quality of the photos. It's late, it's dark, it's on a white background but I just want to share with you anyway.
And the last one for the month of NOvember is (NO way! Am I really done?)(Aaaaaahhh!)
White Square Quilt.
Whhhaaaat? What a drab! I have a mind to spruce it up a little bit.
There! Isn't that better?
It has 17 pieces and I am DONE with November! Whoohoo!
Total for 9 blocks is 308 pieces.
Grand total of pieces for November is 973 pieces.
I need a glass of wine after all these pieces. But just a very small one because I still have lots of sewing to do.
On to Whatever Wednesday, I did do some sewing that is NOT related to the 365 Challenge. (Yes, there IS such a thing, haha.)
A co-worker brought me three Fat Quarters and asked if I could make "bandana" for her cat. I don't know if they are called bandana when you wear them around your neck but that's what she calls it and I said "sure, I'll do that for you."
She had tried to make one herself and it didn't go so well. So one of the FQ, bear and foxes, was missing a big chunk. There was enough left for one bandana out of that one and I thought I could get two bandanas out of the others FQs.
So here's my first attempt at making bandanas for a cat.
Cute right?
As I cut the last one out, I managed to cut the only bandana I could cut out of her bear and foxes print. Darn! That was that for that fabric! Wait! No. I can't do that.
I looked at my mess and chopped it off sideways.
Got a piece of orange fabric out. (Orange can fix anything.) And TA-DAHhhh!
So why not make another bandana with little pieces and Voilà! She got two of that one too. Happy ending!
This was so much fun to do that I ended up making some more out of my own fabric because ... well, hey! He's a star after all and he needs something cute for the holidays, Ha!
And here is Nemo, himself, sporting is latest bandana, sent to me by his Mama.
He just wants to grab the phone so he can purr his gratitude into my ears. Oh, little flirt, you!
Hope you all have happy endings sewing.
Denise at For the Love of Geese
Sarah at Confessions of a Fabric Addict
Angela at So Scrappy
Cynthia at Quilting is More Fun than Housework