Saturday 7 August 2021

August Personal Rainbow UFO Challenge

It's like I knew I would need more than a month to work on this one. 

My personal Rainbow UFO Challenge for August is the same as July. See what I wrote back in January of this year. 

                        "The next ones are in case Angela calls a darker shade of a colour, so
                                            Dark Blue or Aqua - Star in Blue (2016) ..." 

It was a long weekend for us in Canada, so I was able to work almost all afternoon on Star in Blue on Monday. Option #1 was everyone's favourite.  

The missing Star in Blue block was done as were some alternative blocks. 

Lots of dark blue scraps were used in these as they are very small stars. The centre measures 5" unfinished. 

By Monday evening my design wall looked like this. 

Now, to work with Aqua I first had to locate it. Remember the blue scrap basket waiting on the sideline? 

It finally got the much-needed attention. 

Wow! That took forever! Well, at least a few hours of Olympic events watching. On the sofa we have, from left to right: Aqua - light blue (really not a lot in that group) - Batiks - Solids. On the floor, 
a pile (Pile? Mountain!) of what needs to be cut up and resized - basket with the dark ones - medium - strings. 
I am so proud of myself. Once I put the light, Batiks, medium back with the dark in the basket, it was full. It confirmed what I suspected.  I do need another blue scrap basket. (Or sew more with blue.) 

This spurs me to continue with green because I might find some aqua-ish-turquoise-teal in there too. Some more Olympic events later and ta-da! 

From left to right, Aqua-turquoise-teal colour - lights - and to be cut up and resized pile. In front of the empty basket - medium - dark - strings. Yes, my green basket is bigger than the blue one. It might explain why this one is not so full. Ha! 

I ended up with quite a pile of scraps in Aqua-ish colour. Unfortunately, I didn't have a lot of sewing time this week.  

Crumb blocks in the making. 

Thank goodness for weekends! 

Hope you have a great one. Take care! 


Sarah at Confessions of a Fabric Addict
Angela at So Scrappy
Frédérique at Patchwork and Quilts
Cynthia at Quilting is More Fun than Housework
Denise at For the Love of Geese
Pat at Life in a Scrapatch


LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

You did a lot of sorting this week - impressive! It looks like what you found was great for crumb blocks, too.

Fiona said...

i love your quilt of stars... looking great... and very impressed with all that sorting.... that part can be quite daunting...

Frédérique - Quilting Patchwork Appliqué said...

Le quilt avec les étoiles rend bien, j'aime bien cette disposition. Et bravo pour le rangement et la sélection des tissus bleus et verts !

The Joyful Quilter said...

Nice job of sorting and sewing, Chantal!!

Mari said...

I totally relate to those overflowing scrap baskets! I have a lot of aqua, though, so it needs it's own basket. They multiply in the dark, you know!

SueR said...

Sorting and cutting to feed the scrap squares and strips is a time consuming task, but it's well worth the time to straighten it all out. Crumb blocks are definitely something I should be doing too, lol.

Lin said...

So satisfying to have all those scraps sorted. Nice work on your design wall. xx

gayle said...

I can't believe how much fabric you had fit in those baskets! Like some sort of bottomless bag from a fairy tale!