Saturday 10 February 2024

Up To No Good ... Again

What have I done this week? 

I'm almost ashamed to say not much once again. I did play with fabric but it didn't amount to much. Let's see. 

I got more bags of scrap. 

I opened the box first and was having fun when I thought: "Oh! Photos!" so I just threw everything back into the box. 

Then I sorted the scraps by colour. 
This is my living room floor every single day this week, and I am still not done. That's a lot of scraps. 

On Wednesday, I went to see the girls quilting. I used to belong to this group but I was working and had to use a vacation day every time I participated. So I quit. Now that I am not working, I could join but I don't have money to pay for it. Vicious cycle! 
Would you like to see what the girls are working on? I didn't take a picture of everyone's work because some were still just blocks. 

This is Carole's top. She sewed the last seam while I was there. 

Anne-Marie did some koala bears in grey and brown. Aren't they cute? 

He's cuter in person. 

Back home, I got some of my smallest scraps out to make the last border on the Hole in the Barn Door quilt. 

I probably have enough for another Hole in the Barn Door quilt with two borders. (Thanks, Joy for your generous offer but I think I'm good for now, lol.) Yellow and black are underneath the bags. Green is still on my cutting table. Not done playing with green ... 

... but I did work with red ... a little bit. 

Yes, I started another block. 😔 Sigh! I am hopeless! 
I saw this on the Moda free pattern page and I just had to try it out. 

Don't worry about the points, it isn't sewn yet. I'm just having fun on the computer. 

And then, I added more, of course. 

Ugh! Nope! Sashing? 

I love this! In every colour! 

It's not exactly a good contender for RSC though. It demands some very big scrap pieces. I know I will run out of the white fabric before the block is done.

How about yellow? Pouf! Like magic, it is now yellow! 

Do not adjust your monitors. I used a different white for the yellow HSTs. 

Here's a "behind the scenes" photo.  This is how I can make a 12" block in 3 minutes. 

Not so magical, right? With pieces finishing at 1.5", the entire block will measure 12". I will tweak my way of cutting to shorten the cutting time. You might see this block (whatever its name is) again. 

I forgot to mention in my last post that my personal Rainbow-UFO Challenge is Shoreline. These blocks are made with really small pieces. Oh, the fun I will have!  

Picture from 2021
My intention is not to finish this big quilt but to move it forward. I'll count how many blocks are made and I'll try to double it. 

That's all for now. 
Have a great weekend. ;^)

Joining these talented ladies. See you there.  

Cynthia for Oh Scrap 
Angela at So Scrappy
Sarah at Confessions of a Fabric Addict


Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

I like that block with the black sashing - neat!

Lin said...

Seems like plenty going on to me! Love the Koala's. Your red blocks look good with the sashing and I do love your Shoreline. xx

Jocelyn is Canadian Needle Nana said...

I am hopeless too with the scrap bins...always sorting and resorting. But I've got two projects on the go that are using little is the Tiny 9 Patch Challenge is perfect for it. Just love those blocks you share...Always fun to try out arrangements like that. Happy Stitching from me!

gayle said...

I can see why you found that free Moda block so tempting - I can feel it tugging at me, too!

The Joyful Quilter said...

Awesome Moda blocks and best of luck with making some progress on Shoreline, Chantal!!

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

I love those big star blocks! You're right - they'll be pretty in every color. Shoreline is a beauty, too - glad to see it come out to play!

Sara said...

Sorting that many scraps is a BIG job!

Frédérique - Quilting Patchwork Appliqué said...

Beaucoup d'occupation cette semaine ! C'est du travail de trier les petites chutes, mais quelle bonne idée de les utiliser pour ce beau bloc ! J'aime beaucoup Shoreline aussi.
Merci pour le partage !

maggie fellow said...

looks like wonderful new projects

Nann said...

Oh, the temptation / the potential in a ziploc bag filled with scraps.... The Moda star block is great for RSC. (Funny how we now see RSC possibilities everywhere.)

Frederika said...

Lovely quilts out of scraps

PaintedThread said...

So many neat projects. And all the potential in that box of scraps! said...

What wonderful blocks and all the possibilities in those scraps! Yes. . .when you are working, it is easier to purchase and when you "retire" you have the time; but, the money is not as liquid as it was when one was working! I've been working more hours and boy has that ever impacted the time I can spend stitching!

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

Oh scraps - what a fun thing to play with , but what a mess haha!! Enjoy them!!