I get so tired at the end of the day, I don't even care about sewing. Yes, I did say don't care about sewing. 😕
Now, my youngest son's health is on the fragile end again. And my husband just announced that he got a GRRREEEAAAT deal on a chalet, right on the lake. 👀
"Com'on honey! What do you say?"
- Do I really need another house to take care of? 😒
But it'll be fun, he said! ðŸ˜
So, please somebody, anybody, tell me, how can I clone myself? I just wish one of me could sleep while the other one works.
Anywho! Sorry about singing the blues today. How about I show you some blue instead? Here goes.
Ladies Aid Album with 21 pieces
Followed by a Gaggle of Geese - 14 pieces
and a Sail Boat - 13 pieces
I know it's supposed to be much darker but I don't like sailing in the dark. 😀
So I told my DH that I didn't want to buy the chalet. Because there aren't any fabric shops near by. It was his turn to have a funny look on his pretty face. 😀
Happy sewing
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and Cynthia for Oh Scrap!
Oh, wow, I think your hubby needs a reality check. I hope he is at least helping care for the sick child. I know you're valiantly trying to finish these intricate blocks, but maybe you should step back for a while and do some mindless sewing when time is available. Sending you positive vibrations as you work through this.
Sometimes things just get overwhelming! I know that feeling, Chantal. You can always sing the blues to your quilty friends - I love your blue blocks!
Nice that you feel you can let off steam here - thinking of you. One day at a time. That chalet does sound like a step too far at the moment though. Great little blocks. xx
WE live such busy lives and always manage to add more to them... one thing at a time and it's amazing how it does work out....
Nice tiny blue blocks! As for the rest: make a general plan and then just take one day at a time! Remember that family comes first, and warn at work if it's getting too much.
I have the same thought - I would love to have a clone of myself - my husband probably wouldn't like it though. :)
Your little blocks are just so cute!
Chantal,I do hope your son has a speedy and full recovery.
Tes blocs bleus sont tellement beaux, je ne m'en lasse pas ! J'espère que la santé de ton fils va vite s'améliorer, et que la folie au boulot va se calmer. Courage.
Good luck cloning yourself! I know it's bad when there's no energy to sew. Your blocks are lovely, as usual!
Oh goodness! Of course you're tired! That would even wear out the Energizer Bunny. Sending prayers that your son's health issues will quickly be fixed and that he'll be back on his feet soon. I'm hoping you have a good team at work and that everyone will pitch in, but I know the brunt of the responsibility falls to you. Tell your hubby he can have the Chalet if it comes with a full time maid for both houses! Grin! If I were closer, I'd come help.
Sometimes things are overwhelming here as well Chantal. I hope your son is better soon and I hope the Chalet remains a dream for now. Beautiful blocks by the way.
SEW sorry to hear that you are stressed, Chantal!! Crazy-busy at work, a sick kid, AND a husband who thinks it's a good idea to add another house? I would be stressed, too
All you can do is accomplish what is possible each day. I hope life gets back to normal so you can get back to sewing. That is the only things that keeps me sane.
Thanks for linking up with Oh Scrap!
Life sure gets overwhelming sometimes, doesn't it? Ah well, it'll return to normal after a while. Makes sewing moments precious. Keep your head up!
Hubby needs a hobby!
Wow! you really do have a lot on your plate. Thank goodness for quilting!
Here's hoping the move goes smoothly and your son soon blooms with health. In the meantime, enjoy those tiny blocks while stopping to take a deep breath now and then!
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