July is the month to sew our purple scraps, says Angela. I don't have a lot of purples compared to other colours but I'm sure I can manage some purplish sewing.
Let's see what happened this week.
Looking at the pictures I took this week, there aren't many with purple. I've mostly played with blue still.
Two crumb blocks got finished. In the block on the right, the triangle, along with the pieces above and below, were reclaimed from the placemat I made the week before. There's a place for everything in these blocks.
Trimmed block and not trimmed block |
While putting the blue fabrics away, I came across this lovely piece.
It was fussy cut by someone than gifted to me. I have nothing against fussy cutting but talk about going beyond the call of duty. Look at those deep brake marks. Every square taken out of this piece had deep laceration like this. Instead of putting it away like this, I slashed it down by following the "cutting lines". The pieces were easier to fold and store.
I kept a few bits, grabbed a few more blues from the cutting table (there's always some) a little batting, and sandwiched it with a larger piece of the tortured fabric, and voilà! All done. Front and ...
... back. Some simple straight quilting (not following the sewing lines) got the job done. On the left side, I don't know what I did with the binding (where the beginning gets connected to the tail), but it is the worst job ever! Oh well, it's just a little mug rug (7.5 X 5.75) for the office.
Something strange happened this week. It was a beautifully blue-clouded sky with some pink from the sunset, but if you look closely to the right of the photo, where the tree is the tallest, there's a pink ... tail (?) coming down from the pink cloud. This picture doesn't do it justice, of course, I'm not a very good photographer, but in person, it looked like a rainbow with only pink and orange. Weird! We have a mix-match of weather lately, and now, even the rainbows don't know how to rainbow anymore. Hahaha!
A session on trimming HSTs was also endured scheduled. A new ID card holder is needed as this is what the back of my beautiful cardinal one looks like. Dirty, used, and tired looking.
On Tuesday morning, I had a brand new holder with shiny transparent vinyl. Yay!
Finally, this morning (Saturday), I started to play with purple! I pulled some fabrics out to pair them up for Jericho Wall blocks. It went pretty fast this time. My first picks were these two.
They play so well together. It is so beautiful in this photo but the colour is way off.
This picture shows the colour better. It is more periwinkle than a true purple. It is dark, but it will do. It will balance out the dark blue one I made last month, and everything will be good in the end. I've paired more purples, so more Jericho Wall blocks to show next time.
Meanwhile, happy sewing.