Saturday, 20 April 2024

Little Bits of Yellow = Short Post

Isn't that something? Me doing a short post! Haha.

One son got sick, the other son got sick, the third son came home twice this week (not complaining, only stating) and I replied to many interesting job postings. That left little time and energy to play with yellow fabric but ...

... the second Stained Glass block was assembled (on the left).

Double Halo Star was a little brat. Nothing worked the way it was supposed to, and, the cherry on top, I chose a directional fabric which I sewed every which way but right. SIGH! Seventy-five per cent of the stitches had to be removed. No joke. I couldn't concentrate. Only this much was assembled this week along with a big crumb block.

Decluttering with Joy ( 100 Days 100 Things Decluttered )

You probably remember in the 80s and 90s, these wall borders were the big thing.  

The border was purchased in 1997 when we bought the house. I never put it up in the bathroom. (Yes, my bathroom is still charcoal and sand. I still love that combo.)  I was about to throw it out, but decided to have a look on Amazon and they still sell these.  So, off to the second-hand store it will go. 

That's it for this week. 
Have a great one. 


Joining these talented ladies during the week: 
Cynthia for Oh Scrap
Angela at So Scrappy


The Joyful Quilter said...

Hoping the boys are feeling better, Chantal!! Kudo for getting any YELLOW sewing done. Do I remember wall paper borders? You bet I do and the piece I had leftover got used in an art journal last year! :o))

Quilting Babcia said...

I hope your boys are feeling much better by now. I think I was the wallpaper border queen back in the day, lol! There is still some in the laundry room that came with the house, but we've gotten rid of the rest of it, in the dining room and kitchen. I hope your yellow bits are more cooperative next time you turn on your machine.

Lin said...

Do hope your boys are recovering - not surprised you didn't get much done - by your standards! xx

Frédérique - Quilting Patchwork Appliqué said...

Quelle semaine mouvementée ! J'espère que la famille va mieux, et que tes propositions de travail aboutiront. Bravo pour tes blocs jaunes ! said...

I hope your family is all on the mend. I hear you about directional fabrics, if there is an incorrect way to put it together, I will find that way first! I hope one of those interesting job postings pans out. Well done on what you were able to accomplish with all the care taking activities you did!!!

Deb said...

Isn't it nice we all share in families? We all got hand and foot , then a lovely stomach bug and finally a lovely sinus cold. So much fun! We do get thru it , hope everyone is feeling better. Get some stitching in!

Sylvia@Treadlestitches said...

Sometimes life gets in the way of quilting, sad but true. I hope everyone is better, and you don't get sick too! Sorry about the uncooperative star, we've all been there. Your lovely yellow blocks are proof of your perseverance!

Astrid said...

Pretty yellow blocks. Directional fabric, ugh! If it can go wrong it does! (Ask me how I know! lol) Good luck on job hunting. Hope your sons are feeling better and that you don't get that bug. Stay healthy!

Fiona said...

Sometimes a short break is what is needed .... (that's what I am doing this week!)

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

I do like the yellows you did get to work on. Hopefully everyone is healed and healthy now!