Saturday 24 August 2024

Where is MY Sanity?

The Orange month is almost over and I know I should be sewing like crazy to enjoy my favourite colour to the max but a very busy week at the office saw me too tired at night to enjoy my sewing room. I'll try to catch up during this weekend. 

Anywho! This week, I have done this: 

which is completely wrong. If you look at a Double Halo block there are no such units, so why the heck have I sewn these? I think Vacation is calling me. 

Eventually, I managed to make it right and press it. 


And the usual 9-patch blocks. 

But they aren't the only L&E anymore. 

What can I say? Call me insane! 
I mean what's a girl to do when she has the scrap for it. 

The container of 2.5" squares and ... 

these are holding the 1.5" squares and 1.5" strings. All I need to do is cut the 1.5 X 2" rectangles.  

You bet I have greens and blues  ... 

and the blues! Not to mention Aqua! 

In my own defence, when the quilt tells you its name even before you pull out the fabrics it's because it is meant to be. Bonnie's latest leader-ender is called Shallow Pond in my sewing room. :^D 

Now Quilting Babcia (from Amity Quilter) wrote these famous words on my post Whatcha Doing?

"Yep, been there, had the same conversation with myself many times. The only way to resolve the dilemma is to start two completely different projects while the first one simmers."

Well, that's exactly what I did, lol. 

I found this booklet of 10 quilts for $2 in a thrift store and I love this quilt (bottom photo) 
She used Christmas fabric but anything goes here. I just need to find a background fabric big enough for the entire quilt. Thanks, Quilting Babcia, for the wise words. 😁 (Love you)

Another thing that I did this week that makes me question my sanity is the fact that I signed up to play Volleyball with my co-workers once a week.  What made me say yes to that?? Volleyball!! The last time I played, the boys were still in primary school. Hahaha. I better get myself back into shape before the 17th of Sept. Oh, boy! Yes, I know it will be fun because I love that game; it's the day after that I dread, lol. 

That's it for now. 
Have a great week everyone. 

I will join these talented ladies this week. 


cityquilter grace said...

some days are just like that...the quilty muse takes over and no choice but to follow...and it is a very nice scrap quilt...

Sue said...

I said the same thing about Bonnie's L&E Challenge: I love the colors, I love Irish Chain variations, & I have everything already here. Let's do it! Yours looks like a great start!

Gwyned Trefethen said...

The double halo block is so intriguing. I'm very tempted to give it a go myself. I wonder how it would look alternating with a blending block...? Thoughts like this are why the studio calls to us.

Frédérique - Quilting Patchwork Appliqué said...

Bravo pour tes blocs, ce n'est pas évident de coudre sans erreur quand on est fatiguée... Tu as de quoi varier les plaisirs en tout cas avec ces nouveaux projets ! Amuses-toi bien à jouer au volley ;))

Quilting Babcia said...

Back at you my friend! I haven't started a new project in a couple weeks, a new baby girl quilt is next up as soon as I can get the current mess cleaned off the cutting table.

Fiona said...

your scrap baskets are overflowing. I really need to find a scrap project to do. Volleyball???? yes, maybe your are a bit insane - but not to worry all the best people are!!

Lin said...

Nice oranges and all those lovely blue/green/aqua's! Have fun with the volleyball and yes, if in doubt start something new. xx

JanineMarie said...

That Double Halo block is pretty, but I sure do like the black and orange pieces you made, too. Don't want to be a instigator here, but wouldn't those make a fun project! I like all you are working on. And yay for playing adult volleyball. My daughter still plays even though she is now shuttling her daughter around for games. I had no idea when my daughter first played (it was an unfamiliar sport to us at the time) that it would be a life-long recreation. Now I think it's the best ever. said...

I'm glad you started a couple new projects! Volleyball??? Good for you! I hope the day after is pain free!

gayle said...

Quilting Babcia is absolutely right! (And that explains why I have dozens of projects on hold and umpteen new starts elbowing each other for time...)

Barb said...

How cute are your scrap buckets?? I have started to really like orange myself. It is always fun to see what you are up to.